☆ Chapter 3: Christmas Edition Part 2; Getting to Know Eachother ☆

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☆ Your Perspective ☆

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Your Perspective

     "So~" Rin said awkwardly. Some silence was heard after that. "I know!" We all look at Obito. "Let's go and get some ramen at Ichiraku!" Obito said confidently with a grin. "Obito, we got ramen yesterday." Kakashi said with a unamused face. "I don't care! Let's go anyways!" Obito argued while he grabbed Rin's arm.

     I sweat drop. "Is he always like this?" I ask Kakashi, looking at him. "Obito? Well he is like this sometimes, well not sometimes," He hesitated, "All the time." Kakashi answers back with a unamused face, again. I nod as we follow the others.

     Once we got there we waited silently for our ramen. Then Obito breaks the silence. "Hey who ever eats last has to pay!" Obito shouted with a grin. "I bet you will be last." Kakashi said. "Shut up Bakashi!" Obito yelled back at him. Me and Rin giggled a at the both of them while Teuchi gave us our ramen. "Thank you for the food!" We all say in unison as we break our chopsticks apart.

     After a few moments later of eating ramen, Obito, who has lost his own bet had to pay for us all. Sure he was a bit mad but he made the bet. After that ramen fiesta, we all started to talk about random stuff.

Moments later

     "Hey, (Name)." Rin said quietly while pulling me into the ally way. "Yeah whats up?" I ask, looking at her. Rin looked at the ground and sstarted to speak, "Um d-don't tell anyone about this okay!" She said waving her hands in the air very quickly. I nod. Rin then looked around to see if the others were listening or looking. "So um, I kind of like Obito." She said blushing. "Kind of huh?" I look at her with a smirk on my face. "Hey!" She said blushing even more. I laugh. "I was joking and lets get out of here. I promise not to tell him or Kakashi." She nods as I grab her arm gently. We wave at both of the boys.

     "What were you guys talking about?" Obito asked with a confused face. I bonk him on the head, "It's none of your business! It is just girl talk Obito!" I answered Obito. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry! You didn't have to hit me that hard you know!" Rin giggles.

     Some time gas passed. Me and Rin drops off the boys at their houses. Rin then decides to come to my house for a sleep over. I guess me and Rin are best-friends now. My mom greeted us with some hot chocolate.

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