Chapter 6

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---same day, 21:30 pm---

-Yuki's POV-

Momo and I had spent most of the day watching movies. It was a refreshing day and I was relived to see Momo back to normal, yet a shadow of doubt still lingered within me. Momo seemed so down yesterday...maybe he overheard something? I sighed and look at my boyfriend who was my shoulder as a pillow. He always looked cute in any situation. My phone was started ringing and the screen name caused my heart to jump. 


"Yukito-run I have great news! I was going to tell you I would call today but you hung up yesterday."

"You called yesterday?" 

"Yeah but back to the good news. We found Banri-san and successfully contacted him. Go to you agency tomorrow around 13 pm"

"Thank you...I-I'll be there"

It took a while to sink in but I realised why Momo was depressed yesterday. I unconsciously teared up and hugged Momo tightly. After a few seconds he woke up. 

"Yukiiiii~ I can't breath" he whined. 

"S-Sorry! But I think I must come clean about something. Please just listen" I asked with a shaky voice. 

He snuggled more into me and I took it as a 'yes'. 

"So a month ago I hired a private detective to find Banri and I helped also. That is why I have been busy lately. But don't misunderstand it, I just need to know he is fine. I guess I feel guilty about taking all the credit while he is in the shadows. Tomorrow I will meet him at the agency and I want to come with me, also...I want to...."

I began stuttering and blushed madly. 

"I want to introduce you as my boyfriend" 

Momo laughed and looked up, he was laughing?

"Finally you say it without dying of shame" 

"S-Shut up unlike Gaku I cannot just say such things casually" I said defending myself. 

"Don't bring your Juniors into this!" 

"Changing the subject! Will you come or not?"

"Of course! I can never pass up a chance to pull pranks on you"

It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders and the tension melted away. Momo still pouted a bit but we both were able to sleep comfortably in each others arms. 

---next day, 12:50---

-Momo's POV-

I was glad Yuki told me on his own so I couldn't be mad at him anymore. I did tease him up until we went to bed as punishment for making me sad. So we left for our agency and arrived 10 minutes earlier. Yuki was extremely nervous so he kept fidgeting with his fingers, a bad habit of his when he tries to hide his feelings. I. held his hand to comfort him until it was finally time. The door opened and a man with long blue hair entered. 



We both rushed to the door, Yuki hugged his former partner and I stayed behind Yuki. Ban-san still looked the same as did five years ago and I was relieved to see him well. We invited Banri to sit down at the table that had snacks and drinks scattered across it. 

"Sorry for the mess Ban" Yuki apologetically said. 

"No worries Yuki I don't mind" Ban-san responded. 

"Ban-san I'm glad your okay!!" I happily told Ban-san while eating a bag of chips. 

"Momo what did I tell you about eating snacks this early?" Yuki asked me with a disappointed face. 

Yuki always could guilt trip me, that is his hidden skill. I slowly handed him the bag and sipped on my Momorin juice. Ban-san just watched us with a smile. 

"So,how long have you two been sating?" he asked out of the blue. 



Yuki and I looked at him with an expression that would best be described as absolute amazement. 

" You're probably asking yourselves how I knew right?" Ban-san added. 

"Yes, please enlighten me Ban" Yuki demanded curiously. 

I nodded hastily and listened carefully. 

"It's quite obvious you know. And I've known Yuki for a long time so I notice these things. I  would guess about a year or so? Congratulations you two" he said while clapping.

Yuki started too blush and I fidget with his hands and I was just amazed. 

"Ban-san you are so amazing!" I yelled excitedly. 

"Momo-chan also are you. Thanks to you Yuki never gave up on music and Re:vale was able to debut."

Ban-san gave me a thankful look and I teared up. 

"Yuki, forgive me for disappearing like that. You must have been so worried" 

"I-" Yuki froze up. 

"Umm Ban-san can I get your contact information? I really want to hear stories about Yuki!" I asked while leaning on Yuki's arm. 

"Of course, hold on" 

Ban-san scribbled down his number on the side of my Momorin juice label. It was so cool!

"I work at Takanashi Production currently so feel free to visit. But forgive me Yuki for not staying longer but I must meet with Idolish7" he apologised. 

"It's fine. We can meet soon and talk some more" Yuki answered with a strange undertone.

"Yeah my darling is right, we can always meet up!" 

"Thank you and if you excuse me" 

Ban-san left and so did we. On the car ride home Yuki didn't smile or talk. I poked his cheeks and got no reaction. When we arrived Yuki sighed loudly and gave me a surprise hug. Of course I hugged him back and nuzzled against him. 

"Darling~ what's wrong?" I asked delighted. 

"Nothing just wanted to hug you darling" he whispered. 

"Stop being so cute Yuki~ My heart can't handle it" I whined. 

He pulled out of the hug and gave me an amused look. 

"Really? Then-" 

He walked towards me and I kinda walked backwards until I hit a wall. He pinned me against it and got mere inches away from my face. 

"Y-Yuki?" I stammered. 

"Let me make  your heart require CPR" he said with a straight face. 

Let me say he achieved that. 


Thanks so much for reading!!!!!! I really appreciate it. 

I love Re:vale so much and I just enjoy writing content about them!

See you next chapter~

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