Chapter 17: A Hacker's Vengeful Uprising

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Omni Tech underground bunker, Mid morning....
(Roshni Tantra/Plague Doctor)
       Using technology has its limitations unless you redefine its massive capabilities that no one knows better than me. I despise how big companies flaunt their so-called max potential but always hold back. They're about to get wiped clean as I sopp up their profits cause the blackmarket is fun. I got friends in high places but the craft isn't just hacking stuff and designing my beautiful robots. The magic touch to this ambiguity is lethal viruses medically made which they'll find out soon but always too late. "Hey Roshni. I found some fresh deals from some secret auctions. A payout could be possible so let us know if you're in." Linus said. "I love a good payout but not today my friend. Your crew can go start without me cause I'm expecting from a bigger client." I said. "You mind telling me who it is?" Linus asked. "Afraid not. It's a strict hush hush so if you'll excuse me, there's business that's gonna happen in progress." I replied back. I let the call go through since the Syndicate needs my services. "Good morning Roshni. I'm calling you to offer you a proposition. By now you're aware of Shadowblade, a rising hero who's taken down most of my top contenders. Your expertise in dark web computer tactics and biological warfare can prove useful to us. This may be your chance to break apart him and his assailant Cryosphere. Find a way to bring them on their knees. If this comes out successful, a major payday is in order. Don't screw this up." Elite Trinity offered. "I'll give a crack at it. Leave the breaking them down scenario to me cause close relations are a big weakness to them." I replied. We both agreed on that. I believe this'll be my big break so let's get coding. They'll wish that this fight will be their last. 

Pocket Dimension Layer, Cryo Lab Room, Afternoon.....
(Saafir Radwan/Shadowblade)

      Professor Khurram cryo tech is really cool when it's seen in action. I can devise some cool battle strategies to let our enemies know how formidable a force we are. "Watch closely Saafir. As I slowly form up these ring projectiles, you have 8 second window to disperse a powerful wave attack wiping out awave 10 criminals. I call it freeze shock dissipation. I find this to be fascinating along with your ability to manipulate dark energy." he said. I think he'll fit right in around here, guiding us young minded heroes. I'll still call the shots and lead on. I wish my other Tavleen and Haniya came to their senses but it's my fault they were with madmen. I grimaced on that for a bit but we continued to test until we heard the intercom. "Come back to the cyber desk area. We have a city wide alert but you're not gonna like it. Our frequency has been hacked and I'm trying to trace the source quickly so hurry!!" Padmini demanded. I signaled Professor Khram to stop these tests and tended to this problem. When we came out of the experiment room, she wasn't kidding. I saw our next threat but face to face in our layer. This is impossible. Nothing should've penetrated our system. "Oh hello there oh great Shadowblade. Your hacker friend here isn't the only one in town unfortunately. My orders are from the Syndicate to take you down. I hacked into ACPD's mainframe and managed to trace your close relations and your friend too. I've captured Tabana and Erum as well as Khurram's wife.

      Their locations are where you think they are. Here's the deal. I've attached syringes of a lethal pathogen and the only way to stop it from traveling through their bodies is save them from a series of traps I created myself. I have the antidotes so if you manage to save them before the timer says zero, it's yours. You guys have 1.5 hours starting now so get a move on. Tah tah. Also, call me Plague Doctor." she explained. I slammed the training bot hard to unleash some heat. Sonam rushed in to calm me down. "I know thi is bad but this is just another plot to weaken your confidence. Go out there and make sure they come out alive cause I don't have you two to bear the pain I've suffered." Sonam said. "She's correct Saafir. I'm mad too but this isn't the time to lash out. It's time for action. I'll go to my lab, which is the place my wife would be." Khuram said. I appreciated their response graciously. "That means both my sister and best friend are in the Medical Journalism building then. Padmini opened two portals now." I ordered.

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