Chapter 19: Mercenary Tactics

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Joltron Technologies Warehouse, Afternoon.....
(Lais Varqan/Mysterious Executioner)

   I'm loving how I got an exclusive interview of the CEO with great ease. He's moody today but I'll find a way to break him apart, otherwise, I have to resort to a more direct approach. "Alright, Hafiz.. Can I call you that? Anyways, your company is booming and that's an issue for me. Listen to my steps very carefully. Your bank phone number is ready so you can transfer all profits to us and we'll be happy. I won't harm your wife cause I captured her too." I said. He didn't listen to what I said and spit blood at my shoes. It's like he wanted to die today which was unfortunate honestly. "You think I care about her. No, this empire is my baby and I spoil her for the sake of it so if you're gonna kill her, I won't mind. Go to hell and unchain me!!!" Hafiz yelled. I'm not completely crazy like him so there was another play in mind. I went to the back and freed his wife. "Just run away quickly before I change my mind," I explained. "Thank you but you're gonna live with that sin," she said. I let her go but Hafiz and I are getting started. As I tortured him to his demise, screams of agony filled the room. Come to me Shadowblade, cause you're my greatest prey.

Pocket Dimension layer, Afternoon......
(Saafir Radwan/Shadowblade)

     A peaceful breakfast helped me elevate some stress from last night's debacle. Tabana was so worried that I couldn't let go of that close moment we had. It's over so the prof did some lab work for new battle plans. Padmini and Sonam debriefed on recent reports to piece together the Syndicate's role in all this madness. I then sparred on my own for an hour to be at my peak condition. "He seems on the edge lately. Any idea?" Khuram asked. "I think he's had enough with this hero and is trying to find himself again. You saw how he was gonna spend the night with Tabana but feels like he let her down." Sonam said. I walked up to them so they knew I'm okay and nothing's wrong. "Umm Saafir. A city alert but isn't good. See it for yourself." Padmini said. The headlines say that Joltron CEO Hafiz Brumon died form an unexpected murder. "I sense a trap and a calling just for me. I'm gonna go alone today, I just need some time to myself." I said. "Ok, but don't overstress yourself," Khuram said. I understood what he meant as I gathered my gear and rode off to the crime scene. ACPD came to investigate who did this along with crowds of raging protestors.

      They have every right to be angry. "Well I researched this guy and he was a complete tool. He only cared for his employees company as a big business mogul carrying an arrogant attitude with no sincerity for his wife. He never showed respect to her but still shouldn't have died today." Sonam explained. "Thank you for informing me. Now I know why this mattered to let people know he was a bad man but also trying to draw me out. I'll be careful and cautious." I said. Captain Ibrahim was there as forensics captured every detail. "Not really the best way to start this wonderful day. I have a slight hunch of our culprit and my instinct tells me we got the same idea," he replied. Both of us agreed that it's the Mysterious Executioner struck here. I scanned the area to see if he left some clue we overlooked. I caught a signal emitting from a small crate which looked like a small flash drive. I requested for a computer as I found the recent file he made. It was a video. "Hello ACPD and hero. I know you'd suspect I killed Hafiz but honestly it was a small favor. You may think I've done this for a revenge ordeal but that bores me. I want to really test your skill set so if you're smart, Shadowbalde comes alone, no ACPD or I'll kill them all on the spot including your beloved Captain. I'm on the rooftop of Joltron technologies so see ya then hero." Mysterious Executioner ordered. "We'll come if the stanchion is dire but we're gonna be sitting ducks. Take him down but don't get killed." Captain Ibrahim said. "I'll be cautious Captain and thanks for your support. He's going down once and for all." I replied.

      The building wasn't far away so I ported up there. I came as promised with no backup and he just looked unimpressed. "You should be on your A-game but let's get this over with." Mysterious Executioner said. "What I wouldn't give to leave me alone but we're here now," I said. I came in rushing as I hit him with some staff jabs. Sparks flew as we fought each other, mirroring every move. I leg sweep him and then blasted him backward. Mysterious Executioner got up and started shooting at me without hesitation as I shielded myself, hearing every shell bounce off. I leaped and drew my blade but he flipped over and struck me hard. I didn't know he read that but wasn't an issue. The Mysterious Execuitner and I may seem similar but I'll never interpret his lifestyle. "Don't hold back on me boy. I worked hard on my performance to get you here so let's continue." he taunted. I threw some conjured axes that seemed to strike him and unleashed a devastating wave attack. As I leaped in the air to strike him, he blocked it and blasted me hard with his assault rifle, sending me crashing through the roof. He picked me up and felt slashes and punches and then kicked me to a lab room. My vitals were a bit shaky but I got up to throw some more punches but proved ineffective. "Time for the curtain call." Mysterious Executioner said. A flurry of punches came my way and I was dizzy that my defense lowered. I lost. "Next time, bring some back up cause I distracted you. Our real plan was to bring together everyone you beat. Say hi to your family and friends cause I'm gonna stop by as an unexpected guest. Ciao buddy." Mysterious Executioner. I leaped in but a strong kick turned out the lights. Whoa....Feeling woozy....Suit alarm blared and I saw the Prof coming my way.......(Two hours later) "Wake up. C'mon Saafir don't do this again. You're safe now." Sonam said. I steadily woke up and asked how much time passed. "You were out for two hours. We tried tracking him but it was too late. The Mysterious Executioner captured everyone including my family and yours. I should've done something but Sonam refused to let me go." Khuram said. What have I done? I let the anger get in my head and now I got angrier at myself. "What the hell did I do?!? Why do the people I care about suffer my atrocities?!? I wish Muhummad was their hero and not me!!!!" I yelled. I threw a tantrum for a while but Sonam came up and slapped me for a good reason. "Look, you may not realize but even heroes aren't perfect. Imagine what ACPD, law enforcement, firefighters, health workers, and others who protect our city. You don't need to carry that burden on your soldiers since you're not alone." Sonam said. Prof sat me down so I can get my sanity back. She's right. I mean this battle wasn't a win but taught me dearly to be aware of whatever plan they devised and fight back ten times stronger. "We took the liberty in assembling a team of our own from those various dimensions and here. I also managed to locate their main headquarters which was too easy since Plague Doctor left me a signal. It's gonna take all of us to save everyone so this time, we're coming with you and there's nothing you'll say to change that." Padmini said. "Thanks guys for being with me on this journey. We started off with a mission to bring down the people responsible for Muhummad's death but now there's way more going on even he couldn't bear it alone. Tabana and my family are counting on me and I'm not gonna disappoint them. Be ready to send my team to that location cause we're gonna give a fight they'll never forget." I ordered. I'm back to my old self now and no matter what happens, all I care is to save the ones I love. Get ready Elite Trinity, cause I'm back and better than ever.

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