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**Caleb's POV**

"Caleb how was the Ring of Shadows created?"

Patch looked at Caleb who was trying to recollect whatever knowledge he knew.

"Remember when Grimes had said the founder is dead? Well the original being to shoulder the Ring was Charlie. This is not the only Ring created. There are Rings for different reasons. Some for elements and other for powers. The Ring of Shadows is just more well-known because it holds something that no one has ever imagined."

"Except the founder?"

"Yes. Charlie was a cross between a Pirate and Merman. The Zephyr however wanted it destroyed because of the evil sense it possessed, but Charlie was told to keep it. The Pirates thought it might come in handy one day."

"What happened to Charlie?

"He was killed in some explosion. I don't know why the Ring ended up in Australia. To the rest of the world it had been destroyed. We Pirates knew it was still there somewhere. Whatever is inside that Ring couldn't have just been destroyed that easily. It's power had never been released so there was no possible way it was gone. We're now trying to figure out what's inside that Ring."

"Will my mom be able to help?"

"Maybe, but Alanna the Ring is your responsibility now," Patch said.

"How can she take on all of that?" I said defensively.

"Caleb I can do it," she said touching my shoulder.

Patch walked out as I said, "I can't lose you."

"Oh so now you care," she said sarcastically.

"Alanna don't be like that," I chided.

"What? Immature? No I won't sink to your level but this is agonizing!"

"No you're the agonizing one! I don't know whether you hate me or not. I do care Alanna, you're just not accepting it."

"You're right, I can't accept it because this isn't real. This should all be some fantasy I'm dreaming of. My friends should still be with me back on the island."

"Alanna," I tried to grab her but she pulled out her knife.

"Don't, I need some air."

**Alanna's POV**

Stalking out like that probably wasn't the greatest idea because I'm on his ship. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has the audacity so confront him like that.

The sea air wafted past me as I climbed up the ladder and hung out over the sails.

"This isn't real. I'm at home..." was all I could try to say but it wasn't convincing.

Rain drops started falling and I felt my legs threaten to change. Throwing my leggings off I walked towards the edge and threw my dress off leaving me in my tank before diving into the ocean.

That'll teach him a lesson before he pisses a Princess off, I thought in my mind.

Hunting Souls: The Ring of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now