Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It has been a few days after the kiss. When I saw Maura and Jane kissing each other with such passion I thought they made things right. That they finally saw they were made for each other. I thought that the kiss finally opened their eyes just as I hoped. But I couldn't be more wrong. It turned out they were fighting and they haven't stopped arguing since then. The kiss meant nothing, as Jane said to me. Maura was angry at Jane too. It turned out I only made things worse. They started fighting since then and it seemed they weren't going to stop any time soon. And I had no idea what to do anymore and how to help them make things right. Or at least make things the way they were before.

I wished I could go back and maybe do nothing about it, already regretting that I tried so hard to set them up. Now I made things worse. They argued really bad. They were both so frustrated ever since that game. I had no idea what happened and why they acted that way. I really wanted to find out, I even asked Jane several times, trying different approaches with her but she never said a thing. She didn't want to talk and refused to tell me what was going on between her and Maura. So I couldn't understand what have happened between them and most importantly - why they were fighting. And it's not like I haven't tried to make up their quarrel. But they were both stubborn and never gave anything away. But I haven't stopped trying since then. And I am still doing the best I can.

After work I told Jane to come by at Maura's house. I hoped that when Jane sees Maura in the house, they will finally call truce. It has been a few days so it had to end at some point. If they get together and talk, they will go back to the point they were before. Or at least I hoped so.

When Jane rang at the doorbell, I sent Maura to see who is it since I was busy doing something with Frankie. Actually I wasn't but I told her that lie to make her go and see Jane. To make Maura talk with her.

"Why are you here?" Maura asked Jane after opening the door for her, and seeing her standing at the threshold.

"I am here to see my mother, not you. She lives here. Remember?"

"Ugh! Whatever!" Maura answered back and moved away from the door so Jane could enter.

After Maura opened the door I heard them arguing per usual. I couldn't hear them clearly but they were bickering about something, I could tell.

"Did you hear that? They are fighting again," I told Frankie who was sitting next to me on the couch.

"You should have seen them at work. They were bickering the whole time."

"I think that we only made things worse. Now they can't stand each other. I think that they probably hate each other. Or it seems that way."

"Angela, it's for you." I heard Maura yelling through the door, calling me. She already sounded annoyed and she have barely talked with Jane.

"You know what they say, the line between love and hate is really thin." Frankie whispered quietly before Jane and Maura both entered in the living room. They both looked really annoyed, holding back their anger but I could see it in their eyes.

"I'll accompany Frankie to the door," I said, finding myself an excuse to leave them alone once again and get out of there as fast as possible. Showing Frankie out was just a pretext. I hated seeing Maura and Jane argue like that. I couldn't do anything about it and I felt really helpless. They were still fighting. They needed to work things out. I hoped my absence would help them with that. They just needed to talk.

"What are you doing?" Maura asked, looking at Jane expectantly like she expected her to do something than just stand there silently. Jane looked pretty bored.

Angela Rizzoli, the matchmakerWhere stories live. Discover now