Chapter 4

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"Class dismissed."

Chairs screeched on the floor of the classroom as Robin's classmates got ready to leave school. Robin was already half way out the door before the rest of his class had even left the English room. He was on his way toward his 'new' locker - I say new even though it was more ancient than new but for the purpose of the story, I will call Robin Brown's locker 'new' - when Karla tapped on his shoulder.

"You're going t'wrong way you bufoon."

"Uh... I knew that," Robin stuttered, "I was uh... what?"

"Nothin'. I was wonderin' if you want to come round mine later?" Karla was looking at the ground to hide her eyes and Robin couldn't help but compare her eyelids to curtains; so soft and yet so concealing. She was scratching her wrists and shuffling from foot to foot.

"Karla?" Robin reached down to lift her chin up so he could see her face. Big mistake. 

"Hey everybody! Karla's got a boyfriend! Karla's got a boyfriend!" Ashley Moore was standing, hands on hips, in the middle of the corridoor with not one, but two guys standing directly behind her.

'Great,' Robin thought, 'school bitch at 12 o'clock.'

"What's the matter Karla? Cat got your tongue? Oh wait, Cat's gone isn't she?" Ashley smirked up at her goons then back down at the two of them, "And she isn't coming back is she?"

Karla stared at her feet while Robin just watched as Ashley drew ever nearer with her goons following closely at her heels like two compliant puppies. 

"Is she?" Ashley was so close to them both now that Robin could smell her platininum blonde hair. Lemon. Her hair smelled like lemons. Just that was enough to put Robin off her completely. Lemons look nice from a distance but that's the only time they are nice. From a distance. When you're too close to a lemon, the fumes get to you. You don't notice at first but as soon  as you decide to taste it, the fruit goes sour. And when you're scarred and you get too close to lemons, it hurts even more.

A voice resounded in Robin's head. Punch her in the face, grab Karla and run.

"Come on Karla, let's go back home," Robin said without looking away from Ashley. He was still aware that she was a mere foot away from Karla, who was now cowering back away from the blonde bitch.

"Naw aren't they cute! Isn't it a shame Cat couldn't see this? Don't you feel bad for what you did?"

"Karla let's go." Robin couldn't stand it any longer. He could have grabbed Karla by her shoulder, he could have pushed her from behind to get her to move. But he didn't. He took hold of her wrists and tugged her away from blonde bitch towards the door.

"Agh! Get off me!" Karla tore his hand away from her wrist and ran. Fast. 

She was gone. He hadn't had a chance to realise where or how she had gone, but she had. 

Ashley grinned up at him with a viscious and cruel look in her emerald green eyes. To anyone else, they could have looked beautiful but to Robin, he saw only evil behind them.

"Get away from her you bitch." And that was all he had to say to her before he picked up his bag from the floor and bolted after Karla.

Heyy x the picture is supposed to be Ashley BTW x

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