Chapter 3

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"Ouch!" Robin held his hand to his face at the spot where she had hit him, "What was that for?"

Karla simply shrugged and put her hands in her pockets.

"Dunno... I was told to be gettin' you back to t'classroom and I figured you weren't wantin' to be goin' back there anytime soon so I guess I just hit you..."

He simply stared open mouthed at her as he hadn't seen what she had looked like until now. 

She had deep blue eyes that made him think of the ocean; filled with secrets untold and hidden forever. He felt like they were calling to him to help her even though she was so tough on the outside. What was she hiding from him? Her jet black hair was combed over her eyes and reached just below her shoulders. She was wearing odd gloves that went half way up her arms to her elbows. Her coat was unzipped revealing a long t-shirt with the words 'keep calm and hate everybody' printed on it. Go figure. 

"You done staring? Or you just goin' to stand there admirin' me?" 

Robin hadn't even realised he was staring until it was too late and he was spotted.

"I-I uh... sorry," he had gone beet red by this point and was shuffling from foot to foot, "I'm not sure if I uh... what's your name?"

Karla raised an eyebrow at him to say 'oh now you wanna ask' then rolled her eyes and said, "Turner."

"Sorry what was that?"

"Turner," she repeated slower this time, "Karla Turner."

"Mine's Robin, Robin Brown." He soon had settled into the Californian that he truly was, with the cheesy smile that girls had drooled over in the past.

"Yeah, whatever," Karla rolled her eyes at him again then cleared her throat to continue, "so, Robin Brown, now that you have embarassed yourself a total of four times in this town-"

"Sorry what?" Robin interrupted, "four times?"

"Yes four," she brought her hands up to count on her fingers, "One: when you were thrown outside in your knickers. Two: when you vomited over yourself and your outdoor loo. Three: when you made fun of my accent - I still haven't gotten over t'offense I took from that - and were kicked in the stomach by yours truly. Four: when you just stared at my chest, without being even a wee bit discreet, and turned red infront of me which only proved that what you just did was stupid."

"Wait you saw the underwear thing?" Robin turned red again.

"Um... yeah I live next door to you ya know..."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah. Anyway where was I? Oh yeah, now that you have embarrassed yourself four times in this town, I feel like it's about time you actually made a friend 'round here. So, I was wonderin' do you want be my 'sorta friend'"

"Sorta friend?" Robin was confused. He had never usually made any real friends. Ever. He had only really had companions in school that he hanged around with. He hadn't called them friends because he never considered them as friends. "I've never had a real friend."

Karla's face flashed to pity for a millisecond when he said that but immediately snapped back to her usual intense stare. "That's okay, I en't been too good with people either." Her eyes dropped to the ground and her eyebrows furrowed together in thought, "I've never even been with anybody."

"You're an orphan?" Robin let the words slip out of his mouth before he could even consider what he was going to say, "Sorry, I didn't know what I was saying please don't hit me."

She looked up at him and smiled. Oh god that smile... That smile did things to his insides as if there were butterflies in his gut. Then she laughed. Not a small giggle that Robin was used to but full on head-thrown-back laughter. And he loved it. 

"Why would I hit my sorta friend? I'm en't that bad" 

Robin chuckled to himself and shook his head.

"Am I?"

Heyy x i am in love with writing this rn so expect regular updates for this one x what do you guys think about Karla's accent? x the picture for this chapter is meant to be Karla btw x Love yas F

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