Chapter Seven

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Otto led Wyntair into a large room containing many tables and chairs. The walls were lined with shelves. Covering everything were maps, big and small. Some had little pegs or figurines on them. Some were unfinished and half blank, with writing equipment all around.

The Friilian chief steered Wyntair to the back of the room and ordered him to sit on a nearby chair, which he did. The man himself did not, and instead paced back and forth for a few minutes. Wyntair watched him silently.

Finally, Otto stopped pacing and spoke. "I had hoped things would not come to this. But clearly, you will not cooperate unless I give you an explanation. So I will give you one."

Wyntair waited. Otto took a seat on a chair opposite Wyntair.

"Do you know what that thing is, that thing on your hand?"

"This?" Wyntair lifted his left hand, the vase-shaped lines catching the light from a candle at the edge of one of the tables. "It's a birthmark."

"Oh, is that all?" asked Otto ironically. "No, Wyntair, boy, it's not just a birthmark. It's the Mark of Fire."

Wyntair looked at the man blankly. "The Mark of Fire? No, sir, I'm afraid you're very much mistaken." He allowed himself a small smile, "It can't be the Mark of Fire, because I live in Friil, and the only symbol that can be found in Friil is the Sign of Water."

"Really." Otto looked at Wyntair disdainfully. "Well that's how it was for a while, wasn't it. Until the Mark of Fire moved in."

"I'm afraid I don't quite understand. . ." Wyntair examined his 'birthmark.'

"You weren't born here, didn't you know that?"

"Yes, of course, but-" Wyntair's eyes widened in realization. He looked back at his hand. Until the Mark of Fire moved in. "Where am I from then?"

"I haven't gotten there yet. Can't you just sit quietly and listen?" asked Otto snidely. "The Mark of Fire is loyal to your birthplace, and it moves around. It will always be found on the back of the left hand of the true heir to the ruler of its home."

The true heir to the ruler of its home. Could this be true, all that Otto said?

"Now, your birthplace has been taken over by a power-seeking man who never wore the Mark of Fire and should not be the chief of Akeefa at all. If he should ever get his hands on the true heir of Akeefa, he will not hesitate to put them to death so as to stay in the position he now wrongly holds."

"What is it called? Where am I from? Who am I really?" Wyntair leaned towards Otto.

"They are called the Akeefa. I trust you've heard of them?" said the chief, coolly.

The Akeefa. "Yes, I have. But I don't understand, how do you know all this?"

Otto looked irritated. "When you were so young, you can't remember, a frantic woman with rich but tattered clothing appeared in this building holding you and your tiny baby sister. She told me all this and more. I was left with you and strict instructions. You were raised, as promised, as normal Friilian children, never knowing the secrets of your past, but-" he paused, "you have come to the age when things must change."

Wyntair rubbed his hand, trying to process the information.

"Soon, you will journey to Akeefa," Otto rose and yanked a map off a nearby table and laid it out in front of Wyntair, jabbing at the place where 'Akeefa' was written in minuscule letters, "and take back the land that is rightfully yours."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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