Chapter Five

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The following day was much like the previous one. The families awoke and got a fire going, had their morning meal, then packed their nightgear and began to erase their tracks, also known as destroying their camp. They spread the leaves they had used for their shelters around and tossed the sticks that had formed their structures in random directions and buried the ashes of the fire. Before too long, they were on their way again.

So they hiked for a couple of hours, rested, hiked some more, and then found a spot to camp.

Few interesting things happened during all that.

Once, during a short break, Perri almost lost Shurtis, and another time Naida nearly fainted of exhaustion and dehydration.

That night was a quiet one. Everyone knew it was their last night before reaching the Friilian Court. Then their party would get smaller. Citali stayed by Wyntair's side as much as she could, until she was called to help poor Naida who was suddenly having stomach aches and nausea. . .

At four in the afternoon the next day, the Friilian Court, a huge field in the shape of an oval surrounded by thick, high walls, was crowded with people. Most of the Friilians were outside it, in a massive wave of people crowding the entrance and spreading out far around and behind the court walls. Friilian officers in their brown suits were everywhere.

One stood on top of the court's high walls with a horn and a very thick scroll. Citali wondered how he had gotten up there. He blew the horn once to get the crowd's attention and the people quieted. "You have all done well by coming here today. Now all those joining the army must come to the entrance of the Friilian Court. Make way for the wagons now if you don't wish to be trampled!"

He was referring to the long procession of wooden, horse driven wagons coming through the crowd towards the entrance of the court.

The soldier on the wall continued. "When I call the name of one who is to join, they are to get into a wagon. When a wagon is full, they will be driven to the home of the chief, and then to Ksakel. Begin to send your joining members forward now."

The crowd became noisy once more as the people began to say their goodbyes all around. Citali tried not to intrude on any group's privacy by staring at them, but it wasn't easy because she was surrounded by people. She turned her back on an especially emotional woman blowing her nose on a piece of cloth and found Wyntair giving Aunt Beccah a hug. He whispered a few things into her ear and she nodded. Then he patted her on the back and walked over to Perri and Haughton. Citali saw tears sparkling in Aunt Beccah's eyes and turned away as Uncle Delzcen put an arm around his wife. Citali saw that Wyntair was now saying something to Heather and Jon. They nodded and he went over to Citali, the only person he hadn't yet said goodbye to. She buried her head in him and hugged him tight while he held her firmly. Neither of them moved or spoke.

The soldier on the wall began to call names off his scroll. "Karrol, daughter of Barion and Jessie, sister of Millie and Benna! Aster, daughter of Yarrah and Fiston, sister of Coho and Arthem! Fisher, son of Markel and Euria, brother of Bell and Olive! Mineya, daughter of Garret and Katterina, sister of Horace! Quillar, son of Mart and Chia! Schel, son of Heggi and Astermina, brother of Marra and Frisker!"

As more names were called, people began pushing past Citali's group and around them. Wyntair and Citali remained firmly planted. They were near enough to the entrance that he didn't need such a head start yet.

"Ephin, son of Haughton and Perri, brother of Sach and Trenton!"

Citali's head came up from Wyntair's hug from the first time. She looked to where Ephin stood, jaw set, eyes determined. He had already said his goodbyes. He gave his parents a quick hug, nodded to everyone else, and began pushing his way through the crowd. Citali felt her first tears welling in her eyes and buried herself in Wyntair again.

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