Chapter 4: Dead Ends

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9:25pm - Danny's Place (August 26th, Saturday)

*Play Smells Like Teen Spirit*

Settling into the party wasn't as scary or difficult as Karla originally thought. Everybody (for the most part) was super friendly—all thanks to the cheap beer consumed and electric atmosphere—and didn't pressure her into doing anything she didn't want to do. And everybody who went to Southwest Miami High recognised her but skipped out on the opportunity of pestering her with questions like Marilyn did, or teasing her and making threats to expose her betraying the "sacred code" of the preppies when it came to this kind of crowd. She was beginning to think that Carlie and Normani were way too hard on these people and harboured wrong, unfair judgement.

Now standing alone holding the red plastic cup half-full of the beer Julian gave her an hour ago, the 16 year old gathered herself from intense dancing in the middle of a sweaty crowd and took in her surroundings. The music was turned up loud, all the clamour progressed as the night went on, teenage hormones were definitely all over the place; there wasn't much to the place so anything a couple of rowdy boys destroyed to "impress" the girls around them wouldn't cause a disarray in Danny's life, someone had projectile vomitted chunks of pizza onto another person's shoes; two punk kids tossed out glow sticks so they could turn out the lights, Marilyn got thrown over someone's shoulder and playfully screamed as a flock of men followed her into the basement.

Marilyn. Karla didn't quite know how to feel about the twin currently getting kidnapped and led into the basement. She could admit, the other Jauregui was freaking gorgeous—no wonder she had guys all over her this entire night. Talk about a walking wet dream. Marilyn looked very similar to Lauren, even shared the same mannerisms, but she carried herself in an aloof and very extroverted way that Lauren couldn't. And she was scarier; she threw a mean punch, told somebody off, got down that deadly scowl and tended to constantly be caught in the middle of an argument revolving around music or the government—mostly the government. Everything about Marilyn intimdated Karla. After her threat to give the younger Cuban an ass kicking, she hasn't been around Lauren as much as she'd like to be tonight.

Where was Lauren anyway?

Danny was sat on the side of his mother's bed, smiling at Lauren who smiled back but without confidence. She leaned against the dresser by the window in front of Danny, holding her forearm, fixing her gaze to the floor. Danny mistook the fluster in her cheeks for attraction and persisted in getting her to come to bed with him. She took small steps toward him when he ordered her closer in soft murmurs, reaching for her hand that she reluctantly gave. It was like dipping her toe in water she knew was freezing cold but decided she'd test it in anyway in case she'd change her mind. But of course, Lauren recoiled with a tiny laugh and returned to her post by the dresser.


"Come on, babe. What's the matter? Just a second ago you were all over me, telling me how hot I am and all of a sudden you're not hot for me anymore. I don't...I don't understand," he stammered, scratching his hair. "Is it something I'm doing wrong? Do you wanna go somewhere you might feel more comfortable?"

"I just don't feel like it," Lauren shrugged, playing with the flowy part of her short sun dress as she pretended to find the rolled up white socks showing out of her bulky Doc Martens interesting. "Sorry."

The boy sighed. "Is there anything I can do to get you back in the mood? You need a drink or something?"

"I'm good, thanks."

"You want another joint?"

"Not right now."

"Well come over and kiss me a little at least. I mean look at you. You can't blame a guy for wanting to, right? I almost forget how to breathe," he laughed.

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