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A/N- now that most (?) of our main characters have been introduced. I feel like I should kind of give the big picture. So I give you, a character and information log :D (I needed this too lulz) 


Julian Cooper: Firenzian (Fire) 

-Tan/Sand hair

-Green eyes

-tanned skin

-Age: 22

-Birthday: February 24

Clove Reain: Selvin (Air)

-Light brown hair

-Silver/Brown eyes

-light skin

-Age: 21

-Birthday: January 9

Ryan Lain: Koppon (Earth)

-Black hair

-Green eyes

-Tanned skin

-Age: 21

-Birthday: August 2

Autumn Charles: Equilen (Lightning)

-Blond hair

-Grey eyes

-light/tanned skin

-Age: 22

-Birthday: November 14

Eli Parken: Flemsen (Water)

-Dark brown hair

-Ice blue eyes

-light skin

-Age: 21 (almost 22)

-Birthday: September 3

Ava Jackson: Ulithara (Sun)

-Platinum blond hair

-Bright brown eyes 

-tanned skin

-Age: 21

-Birthday: June 6

Ian Bray: Lencile (Moon)

-Jet black hair (with purple streaks)

-Silver eyes

-light skin 

-Age: 22

-Birthday: December: 30

A/N- yay! Now onto the basic history of the Elementical world :D

There are two galaxies containing elementical magic: Obivion and Inques. The creator of both galaxies are Eclipse the "god" of this world. This god had a child, the Child of Eclipse. I'm going to use this phrase a lot so I'm just going to abbreviate it to COE. Now, Inques (the antagonist of this story) wants Obivion, and all their magic. They are backed by a powerful being (This will be revealed in later chapters) and Obivion needs help. The send a message to Cendine, headmaster of the Earth magic school Witoren, and the school starts to look for new students to teach to train. So Witoren is like a military school, to put it simply. Any who, Inques finds out about this and constantly send monsters to Earth to get rid of new students. Inques is a land of just pure evil and nightmare. It is where the elements of darkness are created. These elements are to be revealed in later chapters. Both galaxies are looking for the COE. One wants to kill, while the other needs their help. They (the galaxies) believe that the COE hasn't rediscovered themselves yet, which would make finding them, harder. 

A/N- This is the basic history of the the Elementical world in a nutshell. Now, there are TONS of other details in this that are yet to be revealed, so keep in check! ;) I was going to add a weapon log for our main characters, but now that I think about it, I'm going to reveal all of that in the next few chapters anyways soooo.. yeah :D. Have a great rest of your day/night!!

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