8. Ian

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The tour for Eli was quick. He was able to remember and accept things quite quickly, so it didn't take the two long for the tour to end. Well, until they got to the Flemsen classroom part that is.

"Wait so you're saying, that each classroom is also a fragment of the universe?" Eli asked. For the 3rd time. They were walking down the hall to get to the Flemsen classroom and Ian had just finished explaining the structure of their school. He regretted it immediately.

"Yes. I thought we talked about this already." Ian sighed while getting closer to the classroom door. It was exhausting giving a tour of a castle with 8 stories, but since it was punishment, it had to be done. As the pair stopped in front of the portal, which was made of blue marble and had multiple glowing seashells attached to it, Ian looked at Eli expectantly. "Well? Go on. I can't go inside since I'm a Lencile, but you should go explore." He continued, while leaning against a wall, gesturing for him to go inside.

"Ah.. ok then." Eli accepted, and walked in through the portal. He held his breath for some reason as a bright flash of white appeared, and then suddenly, Eli was underwater. It wasn't murky or dirty like the river did, instead the water was clean and crystal clear. Stalks of kelp and vibrant coral lined the linen tinted sand. Everything was just perfect. It wasn't too deep either, so Eli could just swim a few meters up and breathe normal air again. 

"Wow." he gasped as he emerged his head out of the water with a splash. His clothes, shoes and hair were all perfectly dry as expected. There was a large island that was seen in view as soon as Eli emerged. It had smooth white sand, a small jungle, and multiple floating lightbulbs as lighting. They were beautifully placed, all uneven and different shades, but still aesthetic. Feeling happy that this shallow sea was to be his new classroom, Eli dove back into the waters with a perfect dive. 

He splashed down and got tangled in the long kelp but eventually cut through them with a water blade. As he traced a line in the sand, he wrote his name, Eli in perfect cursive. And just for effect, he added small seashells to the corner of his E. However, not wanting for his classmates to find out about his cheesy handwriting, he summoned a wave of water to wash over the scribble and erase the embarrassing lines. 

He sat in the smooth sand as he listened to the bubbles and waves in the water. He could make out the tiniest of currents as well as how far the classroom went. Turns out, that the room was infinite, so that didn't really work out. He pushed his dark brown hair out of the way as he played on the sand. It was so calming, nothing like the school he used to go to, or anywhere he had ever been. Well, obviously, he thought to himself. Where else have you been to such a beautiful place?

Just then, the aura in the waters shifted. It went from gentle and warm to rapid and cold. Eli sensed something. A different presence. Maybe it's just another student, he thought. It's normal for more students to be here, it's a classroom after all, he thought, as he convinced himself. However, no student appeared, instead a floating hooded figure was standing in the distance. As soon as Eli saw the figure, he jumped up in shock as stood in a wary stance. The person merely just stood there, watching him with a creepy interest. 

Then the figure laughed a cruel sweet laugh, tilting her head back to reveal long dark purple locks of hair. Her skin was inhumanly pale and had dark blue vines climbing her neck. It was gruesome and quite terrifying for Eli. Or for anyone really.

"So young.." The woman said, as her illuminating white teeth curled into a sneer. "Yet so powerful. You don't even know what power you hold, my dear. Amusing " she continued as her husky voice resonated through the empty waters. Her white hands stroked a lock of her purple hair. The top part of her face was completely covered, so Eli couldn't see her eyes at all. She outstretched a hand, which caused Eli to flinch backwards. Water, almost like ice, was created in the woman's hand. The water wrapped gently around Eli's body, making his skin freeze and tingle. It was cold enough to be ice, maybe even colder, but it didn't. Instead, it was still in its liquid form. 

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