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Witoren, home and training place of the Elementally gifted, received a message. A call for help from their homeland, Obivian. They reported that they have received war threats from their neighboring Galaxy, Inques. Knowing that they are supported by an extremely powerful being, Obivian sent a child of Eclipse, the creator of both galaxies, down to Earth. Witoren must choose the 7 children from each Element, to find the child of Eclipse, and save Obivian, as well as the rest of the universe.

A/N - Hello!! Omg this is my first story and I am VERY excited. I hope that you'll love it as much as I do!! Just a heads up: I have gotten a lot of inspiration and ideas from books like Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter (my fave classics!!), I am sorry if it seems as if I'm copying from them but know that I have my own twists through out the story! I also give credit to CrazyGirrrl and my friends for inspiring me to write this with their own stories. Have a lovely day and stay safe!!

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