Chapter 10: The Ball and The After Party

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It was Sunday- the day of the Ball -and everyone was excited. Mostly the girls. Hermione, Ginny and I invited Olivia and Luna to our dorm to get ready. They got to the room and started doing each other's makeup and hair. I was going to shower so I was going to be the least one to be done.

When I finished showering I helped with the hair and makeup. I did Luna and Olivia's makeup cause they were the only ones left. Then did mine. Hermione did everyone's hair.

They started putting their dresses on. I putted mine on in the bathroom. The bathroom mirror was the only that was available. I also putted on the jewelry set Draco gave me and the tiara. I got out of the bathroom and they were all staring at me with wide eyes and a smile.

"Okay, Slytherin princess, calm down. Did you forget you were in Gryffindor?" Hermione joked.

"Shut up, Mione. I love my house. I told you why I was going for green." I said and did a little laugh. "You girls, look beautiful!"

 "You girls, look beautiful!"

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