Chapter 13: The End pt.1

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Some time had happen since Dumbledore had died. Some how my adoptive parents knew that the magic world wasn't save anymore. They didn't let me go back to school. They said it was too dangerous. But one day a later came to my house. It was from Luna.

Dear, Elizabeth

We need you here. Harry, Hermione and Ron are here. Something bad is about to happen. They might be a battle. More people the better. The Weasley and the people from the order know, including Sirius. Please come.


"Mum, dad!" I called as I rushed down the stairs.

"Yes, honey?" Said my mum.

"I need to go to Hogwarts."

"We already talked about this. You are not going back there. Its dangerous." Said my dad.

"I know you two are worry about what might happen. But I'm not a little girl anymore. There's people in danger and those people are my friends." A tear roller down my cheek ou of stress and fear of what could happen with my friends, my family.

"We just don't want you to get hurt, honey. We don't want to lose you." Said my mum.

"She's right, Amelia." Said my dad. "Our little girl has grown. I hate the idea but, I think she must go-

"Are you mad, Joseph?! She can get kill."

"If her decision is to go and she must."

"Thanks, dad! And mum, I will be alright. I know how to defend myself." I hugged them. "But... if anything happens, I love you both. Never forget that." With that I disapired. I had teleported to Hogwarts.

I appeared in front of the Grate Hall close doors. Everyone was there. The order, the Weasley, Hermione, and my father of course since he was part of the order.

"El!" The twins exclaimed and hugged me.

"You came." Said Hermione.

"Of course I did. If there's going to be a battle I want to fight with pe people I love." I looked at all of them.

"That's my girl." Said Sirius.
"Father!" I ran up to him and hugged him.

I stand between Fred and George as the door of the Hall opened. I took out my wand in case. We enter and everyone started at us and whispered to each other.

"How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night? Tell them how you looked him in the eye... A man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them!" Harry shouted.
I didn't get it. I was confused. I believed Draxo was the one who killed Dumbledore. That was his task.

Snape didn't say a word and just raised his wand making everyone gasped. Everybody moved aside as McGonagall took in. We al raised our wands for security. McGonagall threw the first spell but Snape dodged. She continued throwing spells but none hited Snape. He gave up and flew out the window. Everybody cheered both the silence.

The fake sky at the Grate Hall became dark. A little girl started screaming with that another one screamed too.
"I know that many of you will want to fight." Said a voice. Voldemort's voice. "Some of you may even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. You have one hour."

Everyone looked at Harry. "What're you waiting for? Someone grab him!" Screamed Pansy Parkinson pointing at him.

Ginny stepped in front of Harry to protect him. I did too. "No one is taking Harry nowhere." I said. More people started doing a ball around Harry.

McGonagall tall Filch to take the Slytherins to dungeons and everybody cheered and clapped.

The castle was a chaos. Students were running everywhere. It was hard to run with all the people running without a destination.
I stayed with Fred and George as Harry, Ron, and Hermione were looking for the Horcruxes.
We went to one of the towers with Lupin, Tonks, Dean, Arthur, Fred, George, and Kingsley.

The twins and I went to the roof and with watery eyes watch how the Death Eters very slowly made the spell protection there was weaker. "You okay, Freddie?" George asked.
"Yeah." He simply answered.
"Me too." Said George and elbowed him then they both looked at me.
"You?" They said.
"I'm always fine when I'm with my troublemakers." I gave them a smile as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Some time passed by and I continued crying a little thinking about the people who might die that day.

~So many inosent lifes will get kill~

My thoughts were ruined when I saw the barear exploted and pieces of it fall down. I looked at the twins. "Ready boys?" I asked.
"Always." They stood up and helped me up.
The Death Eters begon entering the castle.
There was destruction everywhere. Everyone was fighting and surviving as they could.

Times skips to the Grate Hall (Sorry ya'll I'm lazy af tehe. Btw Fred doesn't die cause I can't kill him)

I entered the Grate Hall with Fred and George behind me. There were so my dead people and I felt so bad for all of them and for their families. But my heart truly broke when I saw Tonks, Lupin and... Sirius dead on the floor.

I fall on my knees and cried on to my father's cold chest. "No..." I whispered. "Not them. Why?" I sobbed hard. Harry ran out of the Hall crying as he saw the bodies.

"I'm sorry, El." Said George and putted his hand on my back. "Is going to be alright." Said Fred and both of them hugged me.

After a little time Hermione, Ron and I went looking for Harry. But when we didn't found him we sat at the stairs. Ron and Hermione cuddling together. "Dosen't Voldemort wants to kill you, El? Why hasn't he don it. I mean not that I want you to die don't get me wrong your like my sister." Ron asked

I did a little laugh "Yes, he does. But he's going for Harry first. He knows that Harry won't let him kill me. He also knows that seeing all this dead people hurts me." I said and looked down. "My heart has been broken since Dumbledore's death. I can't believe Draco killed him."

"Draco?" Hermione asked. "No one told you?"

"Told me what?" I asked.

"Draco didn't kill Dumbledore. It was Snape."

I gasped. "That why Harry said what he said at the Grate Hall. I'm such an idiot. How could I think that Draco did something like that? I feel so stupid right now." I cried out loud.

We heard steps behind us and we turned around. It was Harry. We stood up. "Where've you been?" Asked Hermione.
"I thought you went to the forest." Said Ron.

"I'm going there now." He said
"No way, Harry!" I exclaimed.

"Are you mad? No... You can't give yourself up to him." said Ron.

"What is it, Harry? What do you know?" Hermione asked.

"There's a reason I can hear them. The Horcruxes. I think I've known for a while. And I think you have, too." Harry said making Hermione and I cry. We knew. We knew that he had to sacrifice himself.

"We'll do with you." Hermione and I and nodded my head in agreement.
"No. Kill the snake. Kill the snake, and then it's just him!"
We hugged Harry for some good seconds. Then he walked away.

I noticed that the fight had been al night long because the sun was resing. But yet, it wasn't over though.
We started walking slowly to the outside. Ron and Hermione hand to hand and me behind them. As we walked I saw a blonde, messy haired boy sitting in a rock crying in silence. Draco.
I told Ron and Hermione to go without me.

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