🎄Christmas Eve // Part 2 🎄

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"Stop laughing! It's not funny!" demanded an angry Drew. "I-im s-sorry Drew.... I-Its just too funny!!" Jake managed to get out between laughs.

*A few minutes earlier*

"Ugh! Are you done with the gingerbread houses yet?! I wanna smash them!" Drew complained. Liam laughed. "No not yet Drew."

Drew groaned and placed his face in his hands. "Your taking soooooo longgggg...." Jake chuckled. "Ya know it would go by faster if you help me~"

Drew's face shot up. "No way Jake! I'm not touching that!" He pointed towards the gingerbread house. "Unless I'm smashing it with my fist."

Jake only shurged. "Your loss then. I guess it will just have to take longer." Drew's left eye twitched as he walked over to Jake.

"Ugh. I can't believe I'm doing this..." he complained as he picked up a bag with white frosting in it.

'How do I use this again?' Drew asked himself as he tried putting icing on one side of the house. "You just have to squeeze the icing out of the bag." Jake informed him.

Drew nodded, and tried again. Only nothing came out. He kept squeezing the bag trying to get some icing to come out, when it shot in his face.

Jake, Liam and Henry just slightly looked at each other, before bursting out laughing.


Drew groaned and went to grab a towel. Jake's laughter died down intill it was just a slight chuckle.

However Liam, and Henry were still laughing there butts of, even after Drew got back with a towel.

Jake smiled at the scene of Drew smearing icing all over his face. Attempting to get it of. But something was different.

His heart was racing out of his chest. And his face felt as if it was getting hotter.

He didn't know what was wrong. And that is what worried him.

But he didn't have much time to ponder on it. Considering, Drew's mom yelled out "Secret Santa everyone! Come to the living room!"

"Now everybody who's here received an invite. Correct?" Everyone nodded but Drew, and his parents. "Good. Now on the invite card, there was a name listed. That was the person you were supposed to buy something for. Did everyone do that?" Once again everyone nodded.

"Well isn't that just wonderful!" Drew's mom cheered. "Now. Who would like to go first?!" This time no one did anything.

"Well then...." she swallowed. "Where's my present?" A little old lady who looked to be about 74 passed her a large box.

"Why thank you, mom" Drew's mom said as she took the box, out of her weakly hand. She slowly unwrapped it. Once she was able to finally see what it was she gasped. "Mom you shouldn't have!" She said as she pulled it out of the box.

It was a 100$ box full of wonderful smelling candles. "You really shouldn't have..." she muttered under her breath in disgust.

She slowly put the box down. And clapped her hands over each other. "Now whos next!" She cheered. Nobody volunteered once again.

"My Drewy Bear! Why don't you go next." Drew sighed. "Who got me?" He asked dreadfully. Jake stood up, and smiled at him. "Here you go Drew!"

Drew's Christmas Party // Drake // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now