🎄 Christmas Eve // Part 1 🎄

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Oh, Christmas...

The time everybody loves right?! A time spirits are high, and everyone dances with Christmas cheer!

Presents under the tree, and the smell of fresh-baked gingerbread cookies. How could anyone hate it?

That's what most would ask. "How could anyone hate Christmas?" Well most... except for one...

One boy. But not any boy. One who hated Christmas. He hated everything from the decorations, to the singing. Even the presents he hated.

He was only the age of 17. But he hated Christmas with a fierce passion.

He wasn't always like this though. He once used to love and cherish the spirit of Christmas as much as anyone else.

But that was long ago. Before he had to spend it all alone... by himself...

Now don't get him wrong. He has gotten everything he's ever wanted. Since he was a kid.

Well..... almost everything. There was one thing the boy didn't have. And that was love. He didn't have love from his parents nor his family members. Not even his ex-girlfriend.

That was the one thing missing from his life.

That was the only thing he's ever truly wanted.

The only thing he truly couldn't have.




Or so he thought.....


"Merry Christmas Eve Drew!" Jake yelled as he opened the door. "Merry Christmas Eve Jake..." Drew replied in a slightly bored tone.

"Oh come on Drew! Cheer up a bit! Tomorrow's Christmas!" But Drew only rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you, Jake? I don't like Christmas..."

Jake frowned. He was determined to change his mind. He didn't want Drew, his best friend to hate one of the most beloved holidays ever.

"Yeah. But you still haven't told me why." Drew scoffed. "Trust me. It's better that way."

Drew turned around and started walking in the direction of their other two friends. Liam, and Henry. "Wait up Drew!" Jake shouted.

"Eh! Jake! What's up!?" Liam asked as Jake managed to catch up with Drew. "Oh, nothing much. Anything with you two?" Jake asked with a raised eyebrow.

The two quickly shook their heads. They then turned to Drew. "Anything with you man?" Henry asked. "We know your brake up with Zoey was rough. You okay?"

Drew sighed. "Yeah, I've been fine. I should have known she was a gold digger from the beginning. I mean she always asked me to buy stuff for her..."

Jake looked at him pitifully. The truth was... Jake, Liam, and Henry had already known. They all have caught her cheating on him with some random dude at the mall.

They only didn't tell him because she had him so wrapped around her finger, he would have believed her over them any day.

Even if the odds were against her.

But that didn't mean they didn't feel guilty. If one of them maybe told him sooner, then maybe he wouldn't be so gloomy during winter break. Or well.... gloomier.

"Hey! Um... I think I saw some undecorated gingerbread houses in the kitchen. Want to go decorate them?" Henry asked the group.

Drew opened his mouth to argue but Henry cut him off. "I'll let you destroy them afterward!"
A small smirk appeared on Drew's face. "Deal!"

Drew's Christmas Party // Drake // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now