what is happening

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Landon's pov...

     I woke up to no one in the room as far as I knew no one came to me it was completely silent when  I woke up I saw Raf but not for the my first thought was Josie which is weird because I am with hope and I love her so I rushed to see hope and I didn't even bother knocking I just ran through her door she was trying to sleep. "Landon?" Was all she said before I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a tight embrace.

Hopes pov...

     Landon hand me in a hug and I hugged back but it didn't feel right. After he let me go he kept ahold of my hands. His clamy hands in mine. It felt weird like they didn't fit together like a puzzle they didn't fit l8ke Josies. Her hands are slightly smaller so they fit into my hands perfectly but Landon's just felt as if they weren't small enough. I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts by Landon's lips against mine I didn't kiss back. "Hey are you ok your not kissing me back" I looked at the ground not baring to stare him in the eyes because I knew they wouldn't be hers. "Hope... What's wrong don't you still love me" He said his voice cracky "of course I still like you" I said without thinking "you mean love right you still love me" I stared at the door where Josie was standing quite as could be. "Umm yea yea right that's what I meant" He just looked at me "your lying I know you hope... W-who is it. Who is taking you from me" I just stood there lookin at the ground I could feel both Josie and Landon's stare on me when I finally said "I'm not answering that Landon I just need time for myself I just woke up for the first t8me in almost seven days and I'm not dealing with this right now I feel tired and I'm supposed to be hanging out with Jo so please leave" I said it rather hostile and he looked shocked as he turned to walk out Josie walked in and gave me an apologetic lookonce Landon was gone I said a spell shutting the door behind him turning my attention to Josie.

"Look Jo I'm sorry about earlier and just then with Landon you telling me you liked me caught me by surprise and to be honest I don't know what's going on I just feel like I'm supposed to be with Landon and I'm worried that I'm going to hurt him and you and I don't want to hurt you" I said while looking at the ground josie placed her finger under my chin pulling my face up to look at her and I complied.

"Look hope you wouldn't hurt me and as for Landon I don't even know how he's awake right now but all I want for you is to be happy and of he makes you happy then be with him just as long as you know I am going to fight for you" She said slowly as if telling me to listen closely.

I just looked at her in aw she's gonna wait and fight for me why would she do that. Especially for me I'm well me I'm broken.

"Can we just sleep I am really tired" I really don't understand how I've been asleep for almost 7 days but oh well. She nodded leading me to my bed then she went to the closest to get a blanket and stole a pillow from the bed I looked at her confused.

"I'm gonna sleep on the floor so you don't have to share" She said while setting up a palot on the floor I quickly got up and grabbed the pillow and blanket leading her to the bed "we can share Jo plus I don't wanna be alone right now so please" O asked almost begging I didn't want to sleep alone right now I want to feel someone next to me.

Josie's pov...

    Hope wants me to sleep with her not like that but she looks almost as if she needs it  so of course I'll allow it. When I shook my head and got under the blankets she quickly followed. She wrapped and arm around my waist and put her head on my chest. My heart beat not beating 10 times quicker than usual and I know she could hear it her head was right over my heart. I put my arms around her playing with her aubern hair as she hummed in contentment. I laid there running my hands through her hair until her breath evened out and I took one last look at her and fell asleep with a smile playing on my lips

I Love You...(A Hosie Story)Where stories live. Discover now