I deserve a nap

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I left the room, then speed-walked down the hall were Optimus left. I rushed through the main hall and walked out the front doors to see Optimus looking at the empty but lively city of Iacon. I walked towards him and slid a servo on his shoulder. He looked at me before sliding an arm round my waist and pulling me in to kiss my cheek.

"Ooo, lots if kisses today." I hummed as I smiled, watching the city kick-start back to life, which was a slow progress.

"You deserve every one, and more." He whispered in my ear as he looked on.

"How are we going to get off Cybertron when earth currently doesn't have a space bridge?" I asked, Optimus looked down. His eye widened and looked up at me.

"Follow me." He said. We walked out the Iacon Hall of Records them Optimus transformered and drove away, then I copied. It was quite a short drive; as Optimus use to live in Iacon, he knows every shortcut. Though Cybertron had no blue sky, the city was so bright and fresh.

Optimus turned in an ally and I followed, he then stopped and transformed. He typed on another passcode and the doors opened, Optimus smiling wildly.

"There she is." He said proudly. I looked to see a ship, quite a large one too. It was red and white all over, with a huge window at the front and two massive jets. "Prime Force-1."

"You had your own ship?" I gasped quietly, staring.

"Yep." He answered, almost beaming. I walked over to it and touched it, it was smooth but cold, showing it obviously hasn't been used in a while.

"It's beautiful." I said as I studied every detail. Optimus walked round to the side of it, and I followed. He placed his servo on the side, and blue waves then spread around the ship from his servo. There was a hitch, then the door unlocked, lowering down like a drawbridge. When it reached the floor, Optimus took my hand.

"Ladies first." He smiled with a cocked eyebrow. I stepped on it, then walked up the bridge; Optimus following me. I walked in, and down the hall. Optimus opened a door and we walked in- here was the command centre.

As I walked in, I noticed a huge chair at the top, looking down at all the controls. Optimus walked over to it, then sat down on it. He looked around the room proudly, feeling all the buttons and keypads on the arms of the chair.

"Is this my knight's throne?" I teased as I came over, he rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in; I sat on his leg. He leaned forward and kissed my neck, but I leaned back and lent my head on his shoulder, returning the kiss on the neck. It was then I noticed opposite us was a giant window that covered half the walls.

"This ship is beautiful." I whispered and I looked around the room. "Wait... I've said that twice haven't I?"

"Yes." He chuckled as he squeezed me. He then sighed and relaxed into the chair, before nuzzling my ear, "I love you." He whispered. I kissed his cheek and said the same words back.

"We should probably comm the knights. Tell them we're going." I whispered back, then groaned with him; as we didn't want to move from this position for a million years if not more. We could happily stay here forever, until we turned to stone.

We got for up, I walked down the short set of stairs to bottom floor full of data screens and controls. Optimus stepped around as he commed the knights.

"Fellow knights, have you found your comfort here?.. That is good to hear. Profectus and I are leaving Cybertron and heading back to earth on my ship, PrimeForce-1. I suspect you and Drangonstorm are wanting to stay here... As I imagined. I shall comm you once again when we arrive, Optimus out." He placed both hand on the back of his head and stretched his back. "Let's remember how she works."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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