Chapter Two

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I know this is a day early post but, I think you won't mind


When the moon had told Fall that this curious boy next to her was the Chosen Hero, she about burst out laughing. He was only human, hansom yes, but human. He was not like her or the rest of them. She darts forward, racing to the Hall of Seasons. She glides along, following her mental map of the sacred place that she’d known for a long time. This was her home when she felt misery seeming in. Fall remembered when she had first become what she was now. She was so lost, so baffled by her powers and her duty. She reaches her destination within a matter of moments.

Fall opens the grand building’s doors and steps inside. Golden floors with silver designs of leaves etch themselves all around her. The long hallway leads her to the center, where three other met. The other hallways were the other seasons; frost, summer, and spring. She finds her ceremonial staff hanging up beside one massive carved tree. She touchs the staff, feeling the rounded edges in her fingertips. Leaves were carved into the sides as well. She walks slowly, holding herself up high with dignity. She was to call a meeting. She approaches the edge of her hallway with the autumn staff in her grasp. She hesitates and walks out into the center where her golden floors met silver, green, and spring ones. In the center of the interconnecting halls stood a slight indention.

She looks up seeing a large circular window with snow on one fourth, leaves, sunshine, and blossoms on the others. She sighs and thrusts her staff into the indention. The room lights up and streams of golden light fly across the room, extending into the hallways. One by one her fellow seasons appear at the edges of their own hallways. A man dressed in only leather pants and a blue cloak approaches first. His crystal hair and striking ice blue eyes watch her curiously. “What is it Fall?” Frost asks.

Another man joins them with golden blond hair and green eyes that were very much like Foehn’s. He wears a plain green shirt and leather pants. A third party approaches them. Her long, blonde hair curls over her shoulders as flowers weave through. A pink dress covers her form as well as flowery flats. 

Fall's eyes light up as she turns to look at them all. “I’ve found him, I’ve found the Chosen One,”

They whisper amongst themselves before Lady Spring speaks up. “Lady Autumn, are you sure? We have been wrong before,”

“Oh yes, I’m sure, very sure,” She says confidently, “The moon told me so,”

She looks up at the shinning light in the darkness, its light shines down murmuring in their ears. Her words aim true. The three others gasp. There are cheers of joy from them all. “Well,” Frost says leaning on his ice incrusted staff, “Where is the Chosen One?”

Lady Autumn pauses, “Oh-”

“You left him?” Summer asks in his deep voice.

Fall nods quickly, dipping her head low. She is the youngest of the seasons, only to become what she is hundreds of years after Frost, Spring, and Summer. They were like her mentors, if you will, and she was a child in their eyes. “That’s alright,” Frost comforts Fall since he was the closest to her, “we just go find him again. Do you know where he lives?”

She feels a slight chill creep up her arm as it was Frost. She looks up into his eyes, feeling small and fragile. Fall nods. “Yes, I believe so,”

“Well then,” Summer grumbles, “Let us meet the boy,”

And so the four seasons set off through Fall’s hallway. They reach the doors leading to her side of the world where the season of fall lasted the longest. She looks up at her companions as some of them fade a little. They were drifting away from their season and therefore were losing their power. Only Frost remains the clearest outside from Autumn. She pushs open the doors, the cooling breeze meeting them all. She led them confidently into her own territory as the leaves drift to greet her. They glide down the mountainous terrain toward the small town where Foehn lives. She leads them in the light of the gleaming moon. She stops beside the small pond where she had met Foehn years ago. “I think I should go alone,” Autumn suggests, “He may be frightened, but he knows me,”

“He knows you?” Spring asks in a faint voice.

Autumn immediately realizes her error. “I met him seven years ago-”

“You let a mortal see you?!” Summer exclaims angrily.

She steps back from his fury, against a tree. They didn’t realize that no one could see her, only Frost knew this. “Autumn can’t be seen by mortals, Summer,” he says calmly, stepping in front of me, “Only a Chosen Mortal could see her-” He turns to look at me with those eyes of his.

“The moon never told me until now when he spotted me again,” Autumn says, holding her staff tighter.

They grow quiet. “No one believes in you?” Spring asks softly.

She nods feeling a tear. I am invisible. Fall spins away from them, facing the small patch of woods that would lead them to his small village. “I can’t let you go alone, I’m coming too,” Frost says.

She looks back into his cold blue orbs. Autumn knew that she could take care of herself, but something about Frost's expression told her that he wanted to speak with her alone. She agrees and walks forward with Frost gliding silently behind. Once they were far enough he spoke with his cracking voice, “I remember you when you were young, before you became Lady Autumn,”

Fall twirls around to see if what he actually said was true. “You did?” she asks.

“Yes, but I think you were too young to remember, every frost season I would come to your window and create shapes in the glass. The moment I saw your joy I knew you were different. A couple of season changes later you were made into what you were meant to be, Fall,”

Fall remembered that night. It was so cold and dark, but the moon was there to guide her, as was Frost and the rest of them. They soon find themselves at the edge of town. Everyone was inside sleeping, for it was not long past moon high. The two glide quietly through the town as Autumn searchs for Foehn’s familiar aura. She finally finds it and creaks open the door of a small cottage. They were met by ignorant silence. She leads Frost through the small kitchen to one of the back rooms, where she found a sleeping Foehn. She could feel Frost smiling behind her as he zaps him with a bolt of crisp cold air.


So if you haven't noticed all ready this is in third person, I'm going to do that every few chapters or so. If enough people want me too I can change it to just being Fall's P.O.V., but for now this is how its going to work out. 


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