Chapter 18

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"Nora you've got three seconds to come out here or I swear I am telling your mother about this." Roman warned as he guarded himself with a pillow and made his way through Becky and Dean's house.

Renee sat at the dining table and watched in amusement as Nora tortured poor Roman. 

"Uncle Roman.." Nora said a little too nicely. 

Roman jumped and looked around him. 

"Do you see her? Where is she?" Roman asked. 

Renee let out a big laugh as Nora ran out of the pantry with a toy knife in hand. 

"Ahhh! Mother fucker!" Roman yelled as he ran outside. 

Nora let out an adorable laugh herself. Roman furrowed his eyebrows and looks inside through the glass door as Renee and Nora shared a high five. 

"It's a rubber knife, you dork." Renee told him. 

Roman continued to hold his look confusion. Nora shook her head at Roman as he cautiously stepped back inside. 

"You two were messin' with me?" Roman asked.

"You actually thought I would give her a real knife?" Renee asked. 

"I'm pretty sure Ambrose already bought her nun-chucks so I didn't think it was that far of a fetch." Roman explained. 

"Dork." Nora giggled.

Roman looked at Renee and let out a sigh. Suddenly Sasha came running into the house. 

"Dean's here!" She yelled in a panic before running back out the front door. 

Renee and Roman looked at each other in disbelief.

"Daddy?" Nora asked.

Everyone headed outside to find Dean laying on the sidewalk nearly conscious. 

"Help me get him inside." Sasha said with a shaky voice as Roman noticed a black SUV speeding off down the street.

"Is he okay?" Renee asked. 

"I don't know, I just found him." Sasha told her as they all carried Dean in the house. 

"I'll call Becks." Roman said as he stepped away.

Pedesina, Italy

"We've searched the whole place, it doesn't look like anyone has been here in months." Seth said as he and Becky finished looking around the vineyard.

"Roman's calling." Becky said as she stepped away.

Seth gave a helpful look as Becky talked to Roman. 

"Is he alright?" Becky asked with both relief and concern.

"Yeah, it looks like he was drugged with something but he seemed to be okay right now." Roman said over the phone. 

"And Bayley?" Becky asked. 

"No sign of her yet." Roman told her.

Becky gave Seth an apologetic look as his eyes pleaded with her in hopes of good news.

"Daddy!" Nora yelled with excitement as Sasha and Renee helped Dean onto the couch. 

Before he was even sitting, Nora had jumped into his arms. 

"There's my little trouble maker." Dean struggled to say as a smile came across his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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