Chapter 7

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At the crack of dawn, Johnny returned to the mansion covered in blood. Roderick let him inside and he sat down at the dining table. Alexa had just woken up herself. She walked into the dining room and saw the look on Johnny's face.

"Get him some coffee." Alexa told Adam.

Adam looked at her in confusion for a moment.

"Yes, ma'am." Adam said.

Alexa sat down across the Johnny and took a sip of her own coffee.

"You'll have nightmares for the next few days but it'll stop." Alexa told him.

Johnny looked across the table at Alexa curiously.

"How would you know?" Johnny asked her.

Alexa watched him for a second, not sure why she wanted to open up to him.

"Remember what I said about the questions." Alexa reminded him.

"Right." Johnny said as Adam brought him a cup of coffee.

"After you finish your coffee you'll need to shower and throw on some different clothes. Kyle and Bobby with clean any evidence out of your car.. But you're going to need to pretend like nothing happened last night. You're going to go about your day just like you normally would, is that understood?" Alexa asked him.

"Yes, ma'am." Johnny said with a crack in his voice.

Alexa looked over at him for a minute.

"Welcome to the team, Johnny." Alexa said to him.

Johnny faked a smile and took a sip of his coffee, not realizing the mess he'd gotten himself into.

On the Southside, Finn woke up in his bed with Zelina. He covered his face with his hands as he remembered what happened last night. Zelina woke up soon after him and laid her head across his chest.

"How are you feeling?" Zelina asked him.

"About the same." Finn told her.

Zelina looked up at him and couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"So this Seth Rollins guy.. You really hate him that much?" Zelina asked.

"Yes, I do.." Finn told her.

"But he's your brother.. Do you think you guys are going to be able to work things out?" Zelina asked as Finn got out of bed.

"Not a chance in hell." Finn said as he walked out of the room.

Zelina got out of bed and followed him into the kitchen. Finn poured himself a cup of coffee and looked around his apartment at all the mess.

"How did we knock over the lamp?" Finn asked her.

Zelina looked over and let out a laugh.

"Sorry. That was my fault." Zelina told him.

Finn laughed and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Thanks for coming over last night.. I really needed that." Finn told her.

Zelina grabbed his face and leaned up as she pressed her lips against his. She brought herself to her tippy toes as they shared a kiss.

"You're welcome." Zelina said as she pulled away.

Finn smiled down at her and took another sip of his coffee.

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