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Lucy was staring at me, her heart beating in her throat.

She knew that she'd overreacted.

It just hurt so much to see the way that Eddie looked at me and know that he would never look at her that way.

No one would ever look at her that way.

It wasn't that Lucy wasn't a pretty girl.

Her hair was soft and shiny, her lips pink and plump.

She was kind hearted and sweet with a bit of a hot temper, but she was selfless and empathetic.

And up until now, she'd never been a very jealous person.

But there seemed to be something about her and boys that never seemed to click.

Her first major crush had been on Eddie in first year.

They'd been partnered in Herbology, their favourite class, but he'd always been closer with Hannah Abbott, having known her before school.

She'd finally moved on in third year, when the tall 6th year ginger had caught her eye.

It hadn't really been much, as George was much too old for her, and she never saw him, but that didn't stop her blushing everytime she passed him in the hall.

And since third year she hadn't felt anything for anyone.

She had a couple of guy friends in other houses, but they always had their eyes on others and she'd gotten used to being the friend they all turned to for girl advice.

She felt hollowed out a bit every time they talked about how beautiful whoever they fancied at the moment was, as she had never been called beautiful before.

Not until this year, when Eddie had complimented her before the party in September.

Her feelings had already started to come back but with those words, she fell headfirst back into that blackhole.

And so yes, she was jealous that Eddie and I had gotten close last year.

She was jealous that he only had eyes for me, and had done for as long as she could remember.

She was jealous that he chose me over her every time.

She was jealous and hurt and she'd taken it out on me and the boy she loved.

And she hated herself for it.

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