7. Meater

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With unflinching concentration, Jongho twisted the little screw into place. The gadget sleeve on his left arm hissed quietly as it governed the strength he used and balanced the natural jerkiness of nerves. Jongho finished with the first bolt and adjusted the pressure on his arm for the next one.

Ever since he had returned from work earlier that evening, he tinkered with an additional device for his arm. He needed it to include a grappling function, just like the one that Mingi used as a shooting device. If he added a little bag with a rope over one shoulder and combined it with the machines, then he would be able to shoot a hook similar to Mingi's. It would come in handy for multiple things, not only to cross the Chasm.

His dad was still deeply asleep in the bed behind Jongho. The medicines had successfully fogged up his mind to the point of him getting some of his well-deserved rest. It was a relief for Jongho to guard him as he slept and to avoid difficult conversations, too.

While Jongho was busy fiddling with the mechanics on his working bench, his mind kept drifting back to his trip to Asora. The city had left a mighty impression on him, and Jongho still found some things he hadn't thought about before that sounded intriguing to him now. The sheer lack of automatons and the nethicite energies were most likely the most fascinating. His mechanic soul yearned to use the powerful material in his devices.

His mind also wandered back to his encounter in the library often. Not only had he been just a mere door away from the greatly praised prince, but he had also met the peculiar character that Yeosang was. Yeosang with his reckless curiosity.

Jongho wondered if the man had told anyone about their meeting. Where would the information that Jongho had delivered for him end up? He didn't know. Yeosang had not bothered to tell him either.

With a tiny click, another cog slid into place. Satisfaction welled up in Jongho's chest as he regarded the beginnings to what he considered a great tool. If he ever saw Mingi again, he would have to thank the man.

Jongho took a short break to sip some cold tea and stretch his back. It protested from the weird position and the strain the slanted chair put on his spine.

The music bunny's soft tunes played in the background as it hopefully brought sweet dreams to Jongho's father. To revel in it, Jongho allowed himself to close his tired eyes for a moment.

He was supposed to meet with another client tomorrow and get a delivery within Zey done. While his employer had not specified why Jongho had to go together with another person, he would not complain. As long as that guy would cause no trouble, he would concede.

With another crack of his spine and gulp of his tea, Jongho went back to work. The hours ticked by as his nimble fingers worked away. He might not finish the gadget tonight, but any work done sooner meant more rest later.


The gentleman that was supposed to work with Jongho was a mess of a man.

He got shot at by the automatons twice, and while none of the pneumatic missiles hit him, the commotion it caused was enough to have Jongho's heart skip in his chest. While he had dealt with the deadly automatons before, he preferred to stay completely out of their sight over fleeing from their weapons. His companion, however, dealt differently.

Jongho's nerves were tense and anxious the whole day long. Whenever the hint of a buzz from machines sounded around a corner, he immediately ushered his companion further from the danger. For his caution, he was called a meater once, but Jongho would rather be considered a meater than dead.

They arrived after one hell of a trip through Zey's streets, and Jongho's mood was at a low point when the rude fellow still teased him for his mere wish to not get shot.

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