11. Schemes

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After Jongho had regrouped with Mingi in a secluded corner of the splendid hallways, the two thieves confidently set out to make their way home. As before, they were lucky to dodge the automatons that patrolled the Chasm successfully. Before the first orange rays from the sun hit the earth, Jongho was already back in Mingi's hideout.

He shared half of the loot Yeosang had collected with the tall man, and then they just tiredly lounged at the table and waited for the curfew to end. Mingi made tea.

"So, spill the news. Could you find out anything about the whole prince story?" Jongho was curled up in his chair as if it was his own home. His body had long since accustomed to the weird positions he folded it into while he worked. Like this, he was comfortable and could play with the gears on his leg.

Mingi had rid himself of his coat and vest, too. His rumpled green shirt added to the deep shadows underneath his eyes. Yet, his voice was wide awake. He busied his hands with the tea in his form of mediative tasks as he blubbered everything he knew like a never-ending stream of water.

"I have such interesting news. I found out that the prince appears to have a quite tense relationship with his father. Who can blame him? Apparently, the rumours about Seonghwa's pursuit in better living conditions and changes to both cities are true. He often talks about building bridges and getting rid of the automatons. In his mind, it's not only Asora but Asorazey."

With his lips pursed into a thin line, Jongho gave an approving nod. He acknowledged the attempt more now that he knew Yeosang. Asora hosted a few people who cared.

Mingi poked the mugs to test if the clearly boiling tea was still hot. He burnt his fingertip and sucked on it with a protesting yelp.

"As the person who divided the kingdom in the first place, his father, of course, disapproves of that. But it seems as if things are going on in the shadows. Seonghwa holds his ground, and many servants and ministers are behind him. The Undying's reign might actually come to an end." With a glint in his eyes, Mingi brought their mugs over. Bits of hot tea sloshed over the edge. Mingi didn't mind.

"Do they fight a lot?" Jongho warmed his gloved hands on his tea. Greedily, his skin sucked up any comfort the beverage had to offer.

Mingi shrugged. His hair fell shaggily into his eyes from not being tended to in a long time. Crumbs and dirt that came from climbing the wall were stuck in between the strands.

"I can't say; I haven't seen them together. They probably do, though. Since Seonghwa is his only son and the crown prince, I'm sure the king has a hard time restricting him. By the sound of it, both of them try to outsmart the other. Seonghwa is on the shorter end of the stick, though. The king's much older and wiser than him."

So if they rooted for Seonghwa, Zey's people might yield advantage from his success. However, the risk of him getting silenced was comparably more likely. Jongho didn't want to imagine all the schemes and ploys that took place behind the palace walls. The royals' true intentions were just as split as Asora and Zey, and everybody pursued an endless struggle for temporary victory.

The gears still turned in Jongho's head. He also knew something that Mingi had yet to learn.

"He's not the only son. Yeosang told me that he's Seonghwa's brother," he disclosed with a low and secretive voice. Nobody could eavesdrop on them out here, but since Yeosang had been sensible on the matter, Jongho wouldn't scream it into the void, either.

Surprise washed over Mingi's expression. His fingers mindlessly circled over the rim of his mug.

"He did? Now that's odd. I saw and heard of Seonghwa only in the main building. Even outside, I don't think anyone ever mentioned a second prince. Do you think he might be the favoured one?"

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