Chapter 3: Waking up?

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Emma POV

I woke up and the pain in my back was hardly there. I looked around and I had no idea where I was. I didn't recognize where I was. I started to freak out thinking someone had kidnapped me again. Killian, where is he? I looked around and I was alone in the room. I tried to get up but my legs gave out underneath me and I fell on the ground. When I hit the ground the door opened and that girl with bright red hair came in.

"You're awake finally!" She came over and helped me back onto the bed.

"How long have I been sleeping" She scratched her head and sat on the bed.

"Maybe 3 months I lost track after a couple weeks." 3 months how can that be? My parents must be worried out of their minds. Wait what happened to Killian?

"What happened to the man I was with? Did you guys find him to?"

"The man with black hair? Yeah he is in the next room but he hasn't woken up yet. Before you see him though I have to tell you something" Oh my god what is something happened to him. I would kill myself if something happened to him.

"Emma you're pregnant. You also are having two babies" Pregnant? What, how? I had no idea how to process that. Killian should've been here to hear the news with me. I needed to see him.

"I need to see him now please" She helped me up and helped me walk to the next room. There was another man in the room sitting next to his bed. As soon as he saw us walking in he got up and walked over to us.

"Thank god you're awake Princess Emma. I'm King Eric and this is Queen Ariel. We run this kingdom. We found you two on the beach and we brought you here. We have tended to you two every day. Thank Ursula you're awake but alas he hasn't woken up yet" King Eric helped me walk over to Killian and I sat next to his bed. He looked like he was sleeping, peaceful.

"What's wrong with him?"

"We aren't sure. He just won't wake up. But we will leave you two alone, if you need us just yell and we will be here." I nodded and the two of them left.

It wasn't until now I was able to look down at my stomach and I was really showing. I had to be 5 months pregnant because we only had sex twice and it was the first week we left. I had one hand on my stomach and the other in Killian's hand.

"Hi Killian it's me Emma . We are in another kingdom, one I have never heard of but they are taking care of us. I found out we are have kids. Two to be exact, I know you always wanted one." I squeezed his hand at that part. Part of me expected to squeeze my hand back but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

"I need you here Killian. I can't live on this earth if you aren't here. Please come back to me Killian please." I started to cry. I needed him to come back to me. I can't live on this earth if he isn't next to me.

"Please Killian I need you. Come back to me baby" I laid my head on his bed and just cried. I couldn't stop myself.

Ariel came in a couple times throughout the day to give me food and make sure I was alright.

Besides the fact that my husband isn't waking up I guess I'm alright. Ariel sat with me as I would tell her some tales about us. She promised me that once we were both alright to travel, they were going to have a carriage bring us home. All I want right now is for my babies and my husband to be alright.

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