My Sunshine

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*hi just wanted to let y'all know there's a bit of smut in this chapter, or atleast for the beginning. Idk we'll see where this takes us*

Eiji was excited to meet the girl Skipper was so in love with. He knew Skip would never say it, not yet at least, but he did. Skip and Eiji had the same tendencies in common when they were shy and in love. Singing, sacrifices, and swag. Eiji likes to think of himself as swag.

Hours still had to pass before they were supposed to leave so Eiji figured he would read a book. The holiday season was fun, he loved buying people gifts they would love but he was tired. This year it seemed longer than it had been other years. He wanted to take a nap.

Shorter was occupying Ash and Alex while they were canning the soup so Eiji snuck away to his bedroom, stretching himself out on the constellation sheets.

He fell asleep four seconds later, only waking when Ash came and cradled him and moved him to be covered in the sheets.

"Ashu. Gomenasai."

"Lay down, you need a break." Ash kissed his forehead.

Eiji turned over. "Sleep with me?" He was using his sweet eyes that Ash found it hard to say no to. He closed the door and folded himself into the covers next to Eiji, snuggling up next to him and cradling his head.

Ash blushed and smiled. "I miss this."

"Me too. We should do this more often."

Eiji drifted between sleep and wakefullness, rubbing his hands in Ash's soft gold waves. Ash turned over, so that his stomach was flush with Eiji's. His heart spiked a bit. Why, he wasn't sure. They did this all the time. Right? When he tried to think about it, he couldn't remember the last time he and Eiji had taken a nap together. Skip minded his business but he had been living with them for the extent of the school year, Ash had been working and Eiji worked up money so that he could travel from time to time, even around the state or the country. It all fascinated him.


Eiji's hands slid down Ash's back, rubbing the stress spots in his back without even having to ask where they were.

"Ei-" The mumble turned into a moan and Ash adjusted his face so he could kiss Eiji's neck. He left a million kisses, then sucked at the skin of his neck. Ash sat up on Eiji's chest. He ran a hand through his hair, face looking smug and nonchalant. "Eiji. I'm tired."

"Okay." Eiji squirmed, his heart pounding with anticipation

"I love you."

Eiji smiled, a blush spreading across his freckled cheeks. "I love you too, my sunshine." He reached a hand up and cupped his cheek, stroking his skin softly.

Ash took a deep breath in and dropped so that he was nose to nose with Eiji and whispered, "I want to sleep til Christmas." He kissed Eiji once. "With you." Another kiss. "Or forever." Another kiss.

Eiji was flustered. He was obsessed with when Ash gave him the little kisses. He knew it always lead to something more. Something that they had both been craving.

They made eye contact, sparks flew and their hearts raced. Ash looked down at Eiji who was blushing furiously and almost panting out of anticipation. He leaned down and nudged Eiji with his nose. Eiji breathed in the warm scent of cat fur and chicken soup. He made eye contact with Ash, breathing in sharply before closing the gap, kissing passionately.

Eiji's back arched, pressing him closer to his love. Ash's hands wandered all over Eiji's body, exploring everything there was to explore. It had been too long since they had been together like this. Eiji missed the way Ash's curious fingers roamed all over his body and ran through his hair.  No matter how hard he pulled, it seemed like there was still a gap between the two that only passion could fill. Eiji broke first, leaving them both panting hard. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the end of the bed.

Very merry Christmas indeedWhere stories live. Discover now