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"Line up students, we have special permission to use this campsite for free so we all should be careful with the amenities of the site especially the cabins, also keep in mind to always clean after your mess," The professor said holding his megaphone so all of us 150 students would hear him from afar. I looked around the campsite and I was surprised that our school was able to get permission to use it without paying. This site or should I say, resort, is a famous tourist destination because of its beautiful mountain sceneries, rivers that's best known for rafting. Aside from that, I pretty sure heard there are caves and waterfalls as well for the adventurous and really love nature.

"The right side is for the girls and Omegas while the left side is for the boys. This site has 40 cabins in total, each room can cater to up to four students so I grouped you all in random by four. There are 150 of you so and 5 of that are Omegas which I've decided to group into two. Anyway, with all that said, I've already given you your group numbers, you can now go and unpack your bags. I'll give you 30 minutes to do that and I'm expecting you all to go back here so we can start with our activity," The professor finished, the reactions of the students were mixed. Most of the students are excited but there were a few others that felt like this activity was such a hassle.

"Arg, at least we're staying in a cabin. I would never want to sleep in a tent again," Bea whispered. The first time it was announced that we were going on a camping trip, it was said that we were going to build our own tent to experience "nature", but now, look at us. We're staying in a high-end nature adventure resort park.

"It's said here we're going rafting," Kent suddenly said reading the activity card given to us earlier before we left the university.

"What!? Rafting?" Bea asked surprised and then snatched the paper from Kent's palm.

"You haven't read it? Apparently, we're free to use the whole facility including the rafting boats. It'll be tomorrow morning," I said while Bea still read the activity card. Honestly, I doubt this was for our subject because we're basically here to enjoy even though Professor said it was to test out our physical and teamwork capabilities since the teams are arranged randomly. Basically, our teammates and roommates might completely be strangers who were from the other classes and years.

"Am I actually going to enjoy this camping trip?" Bea questioned with her weirdly bright expression.

"Bea, you brute!" I whined. Rafting and other kinds of extreme activities which apparently we're all doing during these three days and two nights' trip are definitely not my forte. Although I haven't tried it before, I watched videos of rafting and it definitely looked dangerous. People fall out of the boat and sometimes drown. I know how to swim but in calm waters like swimming pools and beaches, not aggressive ones that would only stress me out.

"Ah, it's said we're going to have brief orientation later and then free to roam around the campsite until 6 PM, meaning... we can go and check out the caves and waterfalls. Ahhh... we should go now and unpack," Ignoring my complaint, Bea read the card more and even proceeded to find her cabin leaving Kent and I standing following her figure.

"And I thought she wouldn't enjoy this trip," I mumbled pouting.

"Let her be, it's better than her skipping all the activities," Kent commented with a chuckled which I quickly agreed on.

"Yeah, you're right. We better find our cabin as well," I said with a sigh. Honestly, if this trip wasn't compulsory, I would have preferred spending my weekend with Rahu in a different country or if not, I would have enjoyed staying in my bed watching anime. Also, I feel slightly upset because Rahu didn't even say anything when I talked to him earlier when I called aside from I should have fun. Based on how clingy he was to me after we found out that his older brother was actually my fated mate, I could have sworn he would do anything to stop me from going to a trip where his older brother was said to come as well but no, instead he was so busy to even meet me yesterday.

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