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"This might have been the area where they lost each other," The scavenger expert said analyzing the structure of the cave. In front of them, there were three openings leading to different paths. If one didn't pay attention, they could mistakenly enter the wrong path and get lost since there was no proper sign to warn tourists not to enter the other two paths.

"Okay, we'll have separate from here. Report to me as soon as you find something," The leader of the team said, and automatically his team members immediately grouped themselves into two.

"Your Highness will have to come with me," The leader then said to which Rahu had no complaint.

"Baltes, you go with the other team. If you find him, let me know immediately," Rahu instructed.

"Then I shall follow your instructions, My Prince," Baltes nodded. Normally this would defy the current Queen's instructions to protect the Crowned Prince but since he knew that Rahu was not helpless and was more than capable of protecting himself, he decided to prioritize the future Queen's safety.

Without further more discussions, the separate groups finally went their own ways. Meanwhile, Rahu anxiously looked around, and the deeper they went the cave the more worried he became. The whole place was pitch black, not to mention the dropping temperature, and the oxygen level was low. He was wearing thick clothing but he could still feel how cold it was inside the cave making it even harder to breathe comfortably. If his beloved was trapped in this kind of environment, he could imagine how much he is suffering at this moment.

"What's happening? Why are we stopping?" Rahu asked when the team leader halted them from their search and they are now all looking at the empty ground.

"It might be faint due to the hardness of the soil but I'm positive someone tripped here," The scavenger expert said pointing at the faint traces of the soil being deformed as if someone indeed slipped in the area.

"Hmmm, and a faint handprint," He added again seeing another trace not far from the first one. "From the looks of it, this person fell pretty hard for this kind of soil to form," The scavenger expert continued.

"So you are telling me that the person we are looking at right now might be injured?" Rahu asked with a frown. He wasn't mad at the expert but he couldn't prevent himself from showing how worried he was at this moment knowing that Gabriel might be injured on the top of the cave's difficult environment.

"I'm afraid so, Your Highness. This might be the reason why he could not get out. But on the bright side, if we look further from here, we might finally find him," The scavenger expert said again making Rahu sigh in defeat. He was right, the tour guide of the resort told them that all paths have an exit, it was just a matter of distance. It has been more than 24 hours since Gabriel went missing inside and even if there was rain if he continued to walk, he should have been able to get back. However, if he was injured and couldn't walk, that will be a different matter.

"Then we must hurry and find him," Rahu said filled with determination.

The search proceeded, leaving no stones unturned until they finally noticed the cave's path became smaller and smaller, making it barely abling for one person to pass through. Usually, this was a sign that they will soon reach a dead-end but since they were sure that they followed the faint traces they could find, the team leader didn't want to give up just when they've reached this far. The same with Rahu, he wasn't an expert but if the scavenger was right, Gabriel should be a little further from where they are.

"Gabriel is small, if it's this path I'm sure there's no trouble for him to pass through," Rahu mentioned and the Team leader nodded in understanding. From the looks of the Prince, he knew for sure this Gabriel person is special to him. He didn't know the story but one thing was for sure, they need to rescue him quickly.

"One of you try and crawl inside and see if we can go further," The team leader instructed his men, and quickly one of them volunteered, however, before he could proceed, Rahu halted him.

"I should go. I'm smaller so it'll be easy for me to pass," Rahu said looking at the four bulky men.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that. What if something happens to you as well? We don't know what's on the other side," The team leader refused. If something happened to the Crowned Prince of Mizrahill, he will be the one who will take responsibility for it. He cannot afford that.

"Nothing will happen, this cave has no sign of life as far as we have seen so far. No danger will come to me and even if there was, I am capable enough to protect myself, so you need not to worry,"

"Still, there's no need for you to risk your life for someone you are not related to," The Team leader said but as soon as he did, Rahu quickly glared at him as if at any second he was going to slice his head off his body.

"Watch your words, Captain. I am not someone who tolerates those who talk ill of my beloved Queen," Rahu said with his heavy Alpha tone that quickly caught everyone off guard. As far as they knew, Gabriel Ferns, the one they are trying to rescue was the first Prince's fiance but now they're hearing that he was the Crowned Prince partner instead? His Queen? No wonder he was this worried. Everyone knew how bad his relationship was with his elder brother but to hear this information right now was a shock.

"I-I'm sorry, Your Highness. I-I didn't know,"

"You are forgiven but there will be no second time," Rahu said and finally retracted his heavy Alpha aura. After the short confrontation, the Team leader finally let Rahu go since he was indeed the only one who was slightly smaller among them and capable.

"Please, let us know if something happens. If you think the path is dangerous please remember to not proceed. Go back here and we'll find another path instead," The Team Leader said one last time out of worry. He is letting a Crowned Prince into a dangerous mission, if something was to happen, he should consider himself dead but he had no choice. None of them could slip inside the small path. Even if they drop all their equipment, it's still difficult for them to pass, unlike the Prince who could still bring his backpack with him.

"I'll remember," Rahu said with a faint smile and finally started slipping inside the small path.

"How is it? Can you go further?" Seeing the Prince's figure swallowed by the cave, the Team Leader anxiously asked.

"It's deeper than I thought but I can go further..." Rahu yelled while his body barely slipping deeper and deeper. He flashed his flashlight in front and he still couldn't see if the path was going to end or not. He moved a little further and he noticed that the Team leader's voice slowly went smaller. He didn't know if it was because of the cave's structure or if he was now further but he didn't want to give up until he finally saw a huge opening. He walked a little faster and finally went past the narrow trail.

"There's still a long path from here," Rahu whispered to himself as he looked around with his flashlight. He decided to walk a little further to see if it was a dead-end or not but when he realized that it was not, he decided to go back and report, however, before he could do so, he noticed there was a cave a little further down the path.

He suddenly got a strong feeling so he didn't hesitate to run and check it out. Thankfully, as soon as he did, his eyes widen when he saw his lover on the cold ground shivering that he instantly rushed towards him.

"G-Gabby!" Rahu yelled quickly putting his flashlight down. "Thank Goodness I found you," Rahu whispered desperately burying his face against the Omega's neck. Meanwhile, awoken from his deep sleep, Gabriel looked at Rahu. His sight was a little blurry due to him staying in the cave for a long time without light but as soon as he recognized Rahu, his eyes started to water uncontrollably. He was dreaming about him just now so he wasn't so sure if this was reality or not, not to mention he still has a fever, but seeing the Alpha he felt glad he couldn't help himself from crying.

"R-Rahu? I-Is that really you? Y-you're here to s-save me?" Gabriel called weakly that as soon as the Alpha heard him, that's when he realized that Gabriel wasn't fine as he was burning, he was quivering in cold but his body felt hot.

"Hang in there, my Love. I will get you out of here. I promise you," Rahu said in urgency, hugging Gabriel.

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