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What does it feel like to wake up from a dream you could not recall? To feel like you're alive for the first time yet somehow knowing you've already lived a fair amount of time. I think that is how I'm feeling now. Even though I had no clue as to why I am here with a stranger crying in front of me, I somehow know what must have happened.

"M-My baby..." the stranger bawled, holding my cheeks before eventually kissing me all over my face as if he had really missed me. His tears had smudged on me but despite the fact that I didn't know him, I didn't have the heart to push him away. For some reason, even though I couldn't recall him, I know for sure that he was someone dear to me.

"It had been so long... We thought you were never going to wake up," the stranger said again and I just blinked my eyes not knowing what to say. Just from what he was saying, I must have lost my memories... Well, how else am I going to explain this weird feeling I'm having. I simply could not recall anything aside from the moment I had woken up. And before I could even try to recall, this man suddenly came bawling his eyes out.

"Uhmm... I know you're happy but... may I know who you might be?" I asked awkwardly as soon as I felt he had calmed down. My voice barely got out because my throat was dry but thankfully, my message seemed to have gotten through him. I looked at the stranger curiously and I really felt bad as his tears and snot covered his face, but I just can't simply let things be. I can't pretend that I know him when I honestly don't. Even when I look at his face carefully, I truly can't recall anything.

"Oh my God~ My Gabby~" As soon as he heard my question as if his heart just broke, the stranger covered his mouth in shock and before I knew it, he started crying again. I assume my name would be Gabby but it's just too awkward. Not to mention, I feel a bit of discomfort all over my body and my throat really hurts. Once again, I was put in an awkward situation watching the man cry again until he once again calmed down.

"I-I'm sorry... You must have been so confused... I-I'm sorry..."

"It's okay... And I'm sorry I couldn't recall you. Do we perhaps know each other?" I asked the obvious. My voice was still weak but this time it didn't hurt as much after trying to hydrate it with my saliva.

"Y-You don't need to be sorry, my Baby... We already know you might lose your memories when you wake up..." the stranger said between his sniffles. He held my hand softly before squeezing it tenderly and somehow I really felt my heart being moved by it. I might not know him but something deep inside me knows that I know him pretty well.

"To answer your question, yes, we know each other. We're the closest in the world after all, just the two of us... A-Anyway, that's not what's important, I'll call the doctor over to check you up. Even if you lost your memories, it's still better than to have you asleep. Everyone will be thrilled to know you're awake when I tell them," the stranger said happily, and even though he was not bawling his eyes out like earlier, tears continued to stream down no matter how much he wiped them off.

"Can you wait for me, Dear? I promise I'll be quick."

"Yeah... but can I have a glass of water?" I asked with a weak smile. Again, for some reason even though I don't know anything up until now, it didn't seem like I'm in a dangerous place. Surprisingly I'm rather calm and instinctively trust the stranger. I wonder why? I should be worried about who this person was considering it didn't seem like I'm in a hospital. I might have been kidnapped or something. We never know.

"My Gosh, I was so happy that you've woken up. Your throat must hurt a lot. I'll go get some water and light food for you. Please wait a bit, okay, Baby?" The stranger said in panic and immediately headed out to carry out my request. Once again I felt a little bad but I think it's good for him to have a distraction for now. Even though I don't know him, I can tell he's quite a crybaby. He's been crying even when he rushed out.

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