when I am gone

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when I am gone

where will I go

who will I see

when my song

reached the world

who will hear

the lonely silence

the silence that rings

with no voices

in the air

who will hear the lonely sound

left to the wind

of the air around me

when will I be back

no one knows

no one knows

when will they see

when I have not seen

the world around me

the air is still with silence that sound

the world will hear the voice

that brings silence

there is no love

there is no life

within this silent voice

can anyone see

where is the love

where is the life

why is this voice

So silent in the night

can someone see

this voice is gone

with no sound to ring

no song to be hear

this voice is silent

this voice is silent

with no life see

no love to be true

when I am gone

when I am gone

will they see that

I have no voice

that I am silent

to the world

I may be cold-hearted

but I have no heart

I have a love

that is buried inside

can you see that

I am gone

can you see

that I am

silent to the world

when I am gone

the world is cold

around me

when I am gone

the world is silent

help me see

the life that I have lost

help me hear the

words that are gone

by: small lady

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