Everything falls into place

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Impersonation Jutsu, quite the useful technique, though the man covering his face with an orange mask. His visible sharingan regarded the jinchuuriki before him without a hint of concern.

"Yugito Nii."

The Cloud kunoichi's eyes widened at the mention of her name.

"Do not be alarmed, I simply came here to give you a warning," the masked man spoke casually. It was as if he had no sense of danger, like he didn't find her at all threatening.

"State your name," Yugito commanded in a threatening voice. Her eyes narrowed as she slowly dropped into a fighting stance, "Otherwise I will kill you."

The masked man held up his hands, "The last thing I want to do is fight. My name is Tobi, now that you know that we can talk."

Yugito frowned but didn't say anything in order to hear whatever he had to say.

"You might now know this but this coat I wear belongs to an organization, one known as the Akatsuki."

"The Akatsuki?" Omoi repeated as he, Karui, and Killer B stood around the masked ninja that had suddenly appeared before them.

His katana drawn, he glanced briefly at the others, seeing that Karui had a kunai in her hand while B was just standing there.

"Yes, an organization whose goal is to capture the Jinchuuriki of every village," Tobi explained, making the couple of young ninja stiffen before an unmistakable rage showed on their faces. "The truth is I am a spy, sent by the elusive Sound Village. That is why I have come to warn your kind," he claimed, directing the last line at Bee who watched the man blankly.

"If you ask me~ You're stupid~ Elusive~ Elusive... I like that word," Bee nodded to himself as he withdrew a notebook and wrote down some notes for later.

"Why the hell are you not taking this more seriously?!" Karui exclaimed at her teacher.

The masked man's single visible eye analyzed the man, "From your lax stance and behavior, I take it that you are aware of the fact that I cannot fight you."

Bee smirked.

"He's using some type of jutsu to be here," Utakata muttered to a seething Fu that stood by his side as they stared down the masked ninja who had suddenly appeared in their room.

"I don't care what he's doing," Fu declared angrily, "Do you really believe his 'I'm a spy' story?"

Utakata shook his head, "Even so. The fact that he hasn't attacked us when he could've easily done so before, should not be ignored."

"As expected, you're the most levelheaded of your kind, Utakata," Tobi praised. "As I was telling you, the reason I came here was to warn you of the fact that the Akatsuki are about to make their move. Take this as you will but know that you'll be targeted in just a manner of days. One of them is already coming this way."

"Why are you telling us this?" Utakata questioned.

"To make up for past mistakes...or something like that..." Tobi trailed off.

Yugito glared at the man, her patience running thin. It didn't matter if he came in peace, the fact that he had infiltrated her home so very easily...

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