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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕
𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 14 : ɪ ᴘɪᴛʏ ʏᴏᴜ

Kira was all alone in the mansion, she went into her room. She was making a journal for Joshua

But then when armed mens broke in the mansion

First.. she didnt think it was armed mens

Cause all that she heard was a sound of a opening door. So she stayed calm

She stayed in her room

But then when the armed mens fires their gun in the living room, she panicked

She hid in her closet for a long time

But that was useless. The armed mens got her

"We gotcha" one armed man said

While she lost her conciousness

She was carried all the way through the car, and a mysterious house

But, little thing they didnt know is... Jeonghan put a gsp track on Kira's bracelet.

But.. how will they track Kira when the other members doesnt know anything about that
"Well, Joshua Hong.. Yoon Jeonghan. Im still thinking, who will i kill first? Or whom family will i get first? But surprisingly i got someone even better" the man spoke and he continued "Boys, bring her here" the man chuckled

Two men walks towards them,
The other man is walking while the other is pushing a wheelchair. Who carries a girl, with a black blindfold and unconcious

Joshua and Jeonghan who are kneeling down on the rocky floor by forced

There are man who helds Joshua and Jeonghan

By that time, Joshua and Jeonghan's knees hurt like hell

"Please dont tell that's my mother!" Joshua pants

"No, she.. is someone really really special to you since the beginning of love" the man smirk

"Kira!! No!! Dont!! Please!! Im begging you!! Dont hurt her!! Hurt me instead!!" Jeonghan yelled on top of his lungs

"A love triangle i see?" The man chuckled

"Adonis! If you're doing this for Zique! Stop! Please! Remember that you once loved a girl. But what happened? She died because of your psychoness!! Remember Dalancy! My cousin! She died because she was scared of you! So stop. In the name of love!" Joshua teared up

Adonis put down his gun. Signed his mens to put down the guns also

"Im sorry my dear cousin-in-law, i tried to change for Dalancy! Im sorry. But you have to know! You and Jeonghan's parents are in the hands of Zique! They're hidding on Dalancy's house! Where we lived, the other members were brought there! I can't let you go right now, Zique.. he's watching me! Im so sorry, im sacrificing my life to all of you. Im sorry!" After that a blood came out of Adonis's mouth

Adonis's body fell on the floor, blood splatter are on Joshua's face

"No! No!!!" Joshua couldnt move free. His hands were tied on his back tightly

"Shut up!! Or else you two or her" Zique pointed the gun to Kira's temple and he continued "i'll pull the trigger!"

The two became quite

Then Zique left the room

"Call the members!" Jeonghan said

"Why?" Joshua asked

"So they can track us! We dont even know where we are!" Jeonghan whispered

"How on world will they track us?" Joshua asked

"I put a tracking device on Kira's jacket. They never took it off, so it's still there. Also i have one too" Jeonghan explained

"I see. Get the walkie talkie!" Joshua faced away Jeonghan so that Jeonghan could reach the Walki Talkie in his back pocket

Jeonghan reached the walkie talkie even with his hands tied to each other on his back

"Seungcheol! Yah S.coups-ssi!" Jeonghan called

"Jeonghan? Jeonghan!!" Seungcheol answered

"Get my laptop! You know the password! Open it. Open this GPS track app, press 1 or 2. If there's a green dot, then you can track me or Kira. Always try it, we dont know where we are. Kira is with us!" Jeonghan explained

"Enough, we'll get caught" Joshua ended the call

"We'll just wait here?" Jeonghan sighed deep

Then the door opens again

"Come with us! Dont be nosy" armed men get them and Kira and bought them somewhere else

𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍...☞︎︎︎

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