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The Mysterious Secret


[ im really thankful that you kept on reading "The Mysterious Secret" ]

"I vow to never stop loving you. I vow to always take care of you. I vow to cherish every moment with you. To have a happy but not so perfect family. My love, I promise to never leave your side ever again. You made me the most happiest women in the whole universe. I have nothing much to say, From all of your vows that you gave, everything was also my Vow, I promise to love you, to poorer or rich. In healthiness or sickness. My love will never disappear, Instead My love to you, to our future children will grow even bigger. I love you" a tear escaped from my eye

"I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride" the priest announced

"Finally, I have been waiting for these for 3 days" Jeonghan pulled my veil up and cupped my face. The our lips were together, I can hear that they were yelling. A few minutes have passed after he let go, but our foreheads are still In Touch with each other. "I love you" he whispered between his smiled, "I love you" I whispered between my tears

"Woooooh, Honeymoon is next! Ravish her until she can't walk" Jun yelled, that made me chuckle

"Reception first! Im already Hungry" Seokmin complained which made us all laugh

after a lot of pictures, pictures with the bridesmaid.

pictures with the groomsmen.

pictures with the flower girls, ring barrier and more

and final picture, Picture with just me and Jeonghan. A happy portrait

after a long time of pictures, We went to the reception.

"Can you stop watching our wedding all over and over again" Jeonghan complained while putting Cassandra to sleep

after 4 years of marriage, Everything went fine now. the members who have lost their memory came back in such a short time, just because it was only a temporary amnesia

Jun and The8 are in Sicily for their mission, and a few more years. They're going to sign the contract for disbandment

"Mommy Look!" I look at Timber who is a 3 year old boy. I looked at his drawing it was us.

There was Jeonghan, me, Cassandra and him in it. I smiled and ruffled his hair

"good job baby, do more works" Jeonghan kissed me, I kissed him back. Until now, our love hasn't gone away. like in my vow, our love grew even bigger

"You never told me Good job if I have done good" He complained again!

"But I always say I love you to you, and I will never be tired of that" I kissed his forehead

after the incidents that happened in the past, Some of the members had a trauma because of that. Some have already moved on

and im really happy to find my Brother, Mother and Father again. Finally I can be with them again

and there's more family... I love my life. I never regret every day have passed

The End...

[for this story..]

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