CHAPTER 9: [ continuation for chapter 3]

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕

[ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 3: ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ]


"Kira Lee?!" Soonyoung yelled

Soonyoung's voice was heared throughout all the doors that caused all the members got out of the room and went to the living room

"What's wrong?" Jeonghan asked

"What's happening here?" Seungcheol asked

"Nothing it's just Soonyoung yelled Kira's name outloud" Joshua answered

"Oh, Kira is here?" Seungcheol smiled at Kira and he continues "next time, dont yell to loud please?" Seungcheol faced Soonyoung again

Kira smiled as the members started to argue. She went to her room

Kira's POV

calm down, i.. why am i sensing that there's something wrong?

It.. acts like we were connected. Like we saw each other before.

Soonyoung, why am i seeing his baby picture?

I took a deep breathe and sat down to my bed. I should really breathe

Breathee in..

Breathee out..

Then i heard a knock at my door once more

I walked closer and saw Jeonghan standing

"Why?" I asked him

"Can we talk? Private talk?" Jeonghan also asked

I nodded

He got inside of my room and sat down in the sofa

"I need to tell you the truth, my family, and the other members doesnt know our deal. I lied to you, so you wont feel like an outsider. Seungcheol is the only one who knew about us" he looked at me with a worried face

He stood up, walk closer to me as i am standing in front of my study desk

He touched my right cheek. Gently caressing it

Until i felt his breathe. He was so close to me, our faces were only 3 inches apart

Then i felt his lips pressed onto mines

His lips were soft, his kisses are addictable

I didnt noticed that i was already kissing him back

Joshua's POV

Kira went upstairs and Jeonghan followed him

So i followed them. The door was awe a little so i could peak inside

But, i saw Jeonghan kissing Kira. Kira was also kissing him

Kira's hands are on Jeonghan's arm. Jeonghan's hands are on Kira's face

That made me stepped backwards. Knowing that there is something wrong

Really wrong, i should find the answer myself

Instead of going back downstairs. I went to my room instead

I cried, silently

Of what i just saw, that made my heart broke into little pieces as ashes

I like Kira, no i love Kira. Since our highschool days

I trully do.

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