☆ Chapter 8: First Mission With Your Team ☆

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☆Your POV ☆

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☆Your POV ☆

Today was the day my team and I go out on our first mission. Well kind of I guess. I was just waiting fot dad to come out of his room. I mean like how long does it take for him to get changed? IT ALMOST FELT LIKE A HOUR ALREADY! He finally came out and we both started to walk to the meeting grounds, where I see my bestie Rin, silly Obito, and bored Kakashi like usual. We all met up in Lord 3rd's office for our mission. (This mission was made up by the one and only author themself). Our mission was to escort a guy named Kaito Kaiki, he is a prince from the hidden woods. He has came to Konoha a day ago, he needs escorts to take him back to his home. I guess my team was chosen for that job.

This is Kaito:

(Its a naruto oc off of google)

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(Its a naruto oc off of google)

'Hm he looks like the same age as me and the others to be honest'. I thought as I looked at him. "Okay lets get going then." My dad said as we start to leave. I was in between Kaito and Kakashi, while the others were watching from the back.

Yeah I feel uncomfortable right now, in between a prince and my comrade- I wanted to know why do we have to protect him. It's nothing important is it? I guess I should ask. "Hey, your majesty, I have a question." I say as he looks back and gives out a little 'hm?' at me. "Why did you come here in the first place and why do we have to protect you?" I say looking at him. "Well I had to get this emerald scroll, I heard that this scroll belongs to my clan because we were missing an emerald scroll that some how got lost. Also please address me as Kaito." he said smiling then looked at the scroll in his hand. "It has secrets that can't be speaken of, and also thanks for asking, your very pretty!" He says as he pats my head. "Um, thank you." I say awkwardly. Meanwhile Kakashi on the other hand was uncomfortable from what he heard and saw. He looked mad all of the sudden.

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