☆ Chapter 10: Kakashi to the Rescue! Part 1 ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

As I was about to go back to camp, I heard rustling in a bush nearby. As I turn I see a man. "Hm what a mighty fine ninja you are, hm?" He said revealing himself.

Heres what he looks like:

(Don't mind the headband pretend he doesn't have one)

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(Don't mind the headband pretend he doesn't have one).

"Ah... I recognize you, you are the one with that Prince Kaito guy... right?" He said with his arms crossed. "How did you know that?! Were you spying on us?!" I said pulling out my kunai from my pouch carefully. "Well yes, pretty girl, now where is he! I need that scroll." He said pulling out his sword from behinf him." "Like I would tell you! Go to hell!" I said running to him. He tried to slice me but I broke his sword before he could do it, with my bare hands. I tried to punch him but he kept dodging my attacks "Shadow clone jutsu!" I said, while making two shadow clones. We all charged at him doing an upper cut making him. I infuse my chakra into my fist once again and punched the ground, so when he comes back he falls on a non flat surface. I jump back prepared of what he's going to do next.

Meanwhile with Minato, Obito, Rin and Kakashi

☆ Rin's POV ☆

"What's taking (Name) so long?" Obito whined. "It shouldn't take her that long to get wood, right Minato-Sensei?" I looked at Minato-Sensei. "Well yes. We should make sure she's alright." Minato-Sensei says. "Ok Kaito you are coming with me, Rin, Obito you go together and Kakashi you go alone." Minato-sensei demanded. "To make sure Obito, Rin, get some bandages just incase if you ever find her and she's hurt." Minato-Sensei ordered, we all nod. "Okay, everyone got their supplies? Then lets go." We all vanished just to find (Name), I hope she is okay!

☆ End POV ☆

☆ Meanwhile with you ☆

You and your enemy both have bruises on each other. 'I don't know how long this fight is going to take' you thought looking at him. 'But I will do whatever it takes just to protect his majesty!'. You dash to him again trying to kick him but he pulls out a kunai and stabs your leg you fall on the ground with a grunt. He kicks you making you almost flying into the tree. You close tour eyes shut. 'This is going to hurt!' But before you could feel the hard surface of the tree, you felt someone catch you. You open your eyes because you were curious wether who the person was and you see...

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