☆ Chapter 13: Mission Comes to an End ☆

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☆ Time skip after you all packed up and went to the castle ☆

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☆ Time skip after you all packed up and went to the castle ☆

☆ Your POV ☆

Rin was tugging my shoulder "What?" I asked looking at her. "You know the mission is going to end right? Aren't you going to miss your beloved Kaito~?" She said teasing me. I thought 'hold up, what? I just knew him like about three days ago. Is she okay? Maybe not, I bet she's on drugs thats for sure' I thought while looking at her, with her hands behind her back. 'I'm sorry but Kaito's my friend Rin, #Friendzoned'.

☆End of POV ☆

☆ Time skip ☆

☆ 3rd person POV ☆

As you all got to the castle you, Rin, Kakashi, Obito, Minato, and Kaito were saying your last goodbyes. Until you felt someone's hand grab yours. 'The heck, who grabbed my hand?' you thought as you turned to look. It was Kaito. He then bend down to kiss your hand you were thinking 'Boy, why you kissing my hand?' You asked yourself in disgust looking down at Kaito, while the other's faces where in shock. Except for Minato, he looked irritated.

"Thank you, leaf shinobi, for escorting me." Kaito said smiling at you while bowing. Kaito then got up. "Oh uhm, no problem, Prince Kaito." You said in response while bowing down. "Well hope I'll meet you again m'lady." Kaito said waving goodbye. "Your welco- WAIT WHAT?!" Obito shouted then turned to look at you. "Did he just call you m'lady?A-are you royalty (Name)?!" Obito asked. "Now that you mention it... Of course I'm not!" You said with your arms crossed. "I mean, do I possibly look like royalty to you Obito!?" You say being a bit irritated by his actions. "Right, heh." Obito sweatdropped. Then everyone started to walk back to the Hidden Leaf Village.

Also when he did say that you thought 'Wait what? Am I royalty? Am I a queen? The fuck Kaito? Are you drunk?' You thought at that very momment. 'Hmmm perhaps he is...' you thought again.

"So, how's it like being called m'lady for the first time, hm?" Kakashi said walking beside you. Making you see a smirk under that mask of his. "Jerk." You say while playfuly punching his shoulder.

☆ Rin POV ☆

"Hey Obito!" I whisper shout at him "Yeah?" He said with a whisper shout too. "I want you to push Kakashi at, you know!" I whisper as I pointed at (Name). "Oh! I see what you're trying to do here." Obito whispered then smirked. Obito rushed to Kakashi's side. Kakashi did notice but he didn't care. Of course he wouldn't.

☆ End POV ☆

☆ 3rd person perspective ☆

As you and Kakashi were walking beside eachother, Kakashi gets pushed by Obito, to your side. "Oops- Sorry~" He said as he bumped into Kakashi. "Hey what's the big de-" Kakashi gets cut off by landing on top of you as both of your faces start to heat up. "I- uh sorry." Kakashi said getting up. "It's fine." You say rubbing the back of your neck. As I turn my head at Rin and Obito's direction they did like a victory dance? Oh god what have I gotten myself into?

☆ Time Skip as you reported the mission and got dismissed. You went to go get some ramen with Rin, Obito and Kakashi ☆

"That was a fun mission wasn't it?" Rin said making both her hands touch:

"That was a fun mission wasn't it?" Rin said making both her hands touch:

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"Mhm." I said looking at her. "Well see you tomorrow guys!" Rin said waving at all of us. "Bye Rin!" Me and Obito said in union while Kakashi stayed silent.

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