Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight.

Seth dropped from Paige’s window and landed on the grass below, walking over to Marcus who was leaning against the grey stone wall that separated the two houses.

“What was wrong with the door, you show off,” Marcus chuckled, looking up at the window where a shocked Paige was standing.

Seth shrugged and sat on the wall next to Marcus, he didn’t need him to tell him where he had been as he read his mind and found out for himself, he’d been trying to track the demon and failed.

“It’s not like you not to be able to find a demon, what’s wrong old friend losing your touch?” he mocked.

Marcus glared at him, he had told him on more than one occasion not to read his mind because he hated it, yet he still did it. “How many more times, stop reading my thoughts!”

“Stop thinking then,” Seth smirked at him, and it only wound him up more, he could see the anger glowing in his green eyes and it made him laugh.

“I haven’t missed you one bit!” Marcus seethed.

“Will you two shut up, some of us actually sleep during the night!” Paige shouted from the window, feeling her anger growing at the way he had been in her room moments ago kissing her then daring her to kill him before jumping out of her window and laughing and joking with some man in what looked like was a dress.

“Shut your window, before I give you a reason to use that stake!” Seth snapped, just the sound of her voice was making him want to go up there and finish what he had started.

Marcus looked at him curiously and burst out laughing, “She has a stake?”

Seth rolled his eyes and nodded, “I didn’t have the heart to tell her that’s its useless against us.”

“You need some holy water love, that will keep him away,” Marcus shouted up to her as she slammed the window shut.

Paige locked the window and her bedroom door and sat on the bed, what had that kiss been about? She was still in shock when he came at her the way he did, she thought he was going to attack her, but the way he had kissed her had blown her mind. Never in her life had she been kissed like that, and she suspected she would never be kissed like that again by anyone else.


“It’s that gardener, he’s the demon,” Seth told Marcus as they entered his house.

Marcus sat down on the leather chair in Seth’s living room and poured himself some whiskey, it wasn’t unusual for vampires to drink alcohol, it was no substitute for blood, but the warmth was comforting.

“I wonder what he wants with her, it’s strange for a demon to become attached to a human how long has he been sniffing around her?” Marcus asked swigging the drink then rolling the glass between his hands.

“About a week,” he told him, lying down on the sofa and folding his arms behind his head.

“Very strange, I think the gardener has been possessed recently, because if that demon had full control of him then she would have been attacked by now, is she acting differently?”

“Not that I’ve noticed, but you know I can’t sense demons,” Seth said with a sigh.

He had the gift of being able to read people’s thoughts, when he was first turned it was more of a curse all he heard was everyone’s thoughts and feelings and it was just constant noise, but over the years he learnt to control it and now he could access thoughts at will rather than having them entering his head on their own. Marcus was different though he could sense their enemies, Seth could tell a werewolf by their scent and a witch was always easy to distinguish, but the demons were hard to sense because they could cover their scent with that of a human, which is where Marcus came in.

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