Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Seth recoiled from the stench of the demon blood that clung to him. To a mere human it was unnoticeable but to the powerful senses of a vampire, it was potent, it reeked of death and decay. He glanced over at where Ipes lay, injured from the force of the impact into the crypt.

"Get up, or have you given up already? If I'd known it would be so easy to bring you down I would have done it a long time ago." Seth goaded, as he inspected his own injuries, which were already healing.

A low growl from Ipes confirmed what Seth had known all along. Their battle was far from over; if anything, it had not even begun. The demon was capable of so much more, the beast was yet to awaken, and it had not shown its full potential.

"You're a fool," Ipes growled, the skin of the man that had once been Zak finally shedding and revealing exactly what lay beneath.

Seth raised his eyebrows mockingly as Ipes transformed. His grey skin clung to his skeletal frame, the sounds of bones snapping into place resounded through the cemetery. He was taller than any human man Seth had seen, there was nothing human looking left of him. His eyes were sunk back into a face that was almost hollow in appearance.

"Well aren't you a beauty?" Seth chuckled, his eyes never once leaving the hideous beast that was before him.

Ipes bared his teeth at him, and growled showing more of the sharp ragged teeth that protruded from his mouth. He stood as though a human would, but he was hunched over as though he was frail. Seth was no idiot; he knew that what he was looking at was certainly not frail. 

Seth took a step towards him, his eyes darkening with the anger that was raging from within, “You don’t scare me, I fear nothing,” he growled.

Ipes threw his head back and roared with laughter, “I know your weakness,” he informed him, nodding his head to the derelict church.

Seth knew he was referring to Paige, but he did not care, he also knew that while she was inside that church the demon could not hurt her. He narrowed his eyes at Ipes and smirked, “I’m going to tear you from limb to limb, slowly and painfully. Just like I did to your sister.”

It was all it took to send him over the edge, and Ipes lurched forward, grabbing Seth around his throat. His long bony fingers wrapped around his neck. He pulled a laughing Seth closer to him; he was becoming more aggravated by the second with the vampires constant mocking of him.

“Before I killed that demon bitch, I fuc...” Before he could finish Ipes threw him into the wall of the church, the old rotting bricks, crumbling around him with the force.

Seth hit the ground with a thud, but was back on his feet before Ipes had the chance to get over to where he had lay moments ago, “You’re going to have to do better than that if you want to kill me!” Seth hissed, wiping the blood from his face onto his jeans.

Ipes licked his lips, growled and flew at Seth sending him crashing through the stained glass window of the old church, “Aren’t you going to fight back, or have you given up already?” Ipes shouted from outside.

Seth stood up and shook the glass from his hair; he shot April an apologetic glance before he climbed back out of the window and dropped down, landing in front of Ipes. He gripped onto Ipes’s neck and aimed for the spot where his vein was throbbing and tore into it with such ferocity that Ipes screamed in agony.

Ipes lashed out desperately, trying to grip onto something, anything, but it was no use the harder he thrashed the deeper Seth sank his fangs in. Seth shoved him away roughly and spat a mouthful of blood in his face, smirking as he did.

“Tastes like shit!” He remarked as he wiped the blood from his chin.

Ipes roared with anger and ran at him; he tore at him with his sharp claws, the poison seeping into his skin. Seth’s pale skin reddened with the intoxicating venom, and he aimlessly punched Ipes, trying to get him away from him long enough for his body to heal.

“Did you kiss your mother with that foul mouth of yours?” Ipes mocked, slashing his long claws across the hard muscle of Seth’s chest.

Seth flew into frenzy and landed blow upon blow on Ipes, the blood splashed over his skin, burning him, the pain of the demon blood on his skin was indescribable as it charred his hands with every punch he landed. He stepped back breathlessly and looked at the damage he had inflicted on himself, wincing at the sight of the burns he had sustained.

Seth looked up in time to stop the blow that was coming towards him and with one final furious growl; he grasped Ipes’s neck and snapped it. He threw him to the floor and stumbled away, weak from the fight. He heard a familiar noise behind and turned around in time to see the opening to hell sucking Ipes and the demons back where they belonged.

He slumped down onto the floor, the coolness of it easing the burning on his skin. Seth closed his eyes, feeing weak from the fight. He felt a cold hand on his shoulder and smirked at Marcus, “Why is it you always turn up at the end of a fight?” he mocked.

“You’re a mess, you need to feed, or you will die!” Marcus cursed heaving him to his feet.

“Nice to see you too,” Seth muttered leaning all of his weight onto Marcus.

Marcus began to panic when he saw the extent of Seth’s injuries, he knew there was no way he could survive until dusk, he needed to feed and he needed to do it fast, but with the sun rising they only had one option.

Marcus winced, “Seth you have to turn Paige, you need blood and a quick bite won’t do it, you need to drain her, the sun is coming up!”

Seth groaned and shook his head, “I will do nothing of the sort!”

“Then you will die!” Marcus shouted angrily as he dragged him into the church just as the sun began to rise. He slammed the doors shut blocking out the harsh rays of the sun and leaned against it.

He eased Seth down onto the dusty floor of the church and grabbed April who was pacing anxiously, “Where is Paige, did it work?” he asked.

April nodded and pulled him to the other end of the church where Paige was sleeping, Marcus smiled and sat down next to her, he watched her sleep then looked at April solemnly, “Get Seth for me.” He ordered.

April glanced at where a severely injured Seth lay, slowly dying from his wounds, wounds which would not heal without human blood. She walked down to the doors of the church and knelt down at his side. She lifted him up and helped him to where Paige lay; as they got closer, she jumped in fright as Seth screamed in anguish.

“Forgive me,” Marcus said as Seth looked down at Paige.

“No! What have you done!” he bellowed.

(I know it's short just bear with me :) )

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