Chapter 29: Regret

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In a sterile room at the infirmary, Aubrey lay on a small white bed, her breathing shallow and eyes closed. Master Padwe worked with an almost supernatural focus, scurrying between the girl and his supplies, speaking only when necessary. "Sim, the kiru salve, please."

With great care, Sim smeared the clumpy green paste over Aubrey's blistered arm.

"Now the bandage," Master Padwe said, crushing a handful of purple flowers with a pestle.

Sim soaked a roll of gauze in the bowl of water, then gently began wrapping Aubrey's arm.

With Dylan hanging around her neck as a Wintas creeper, Sadie watched them work like this for ten minutes, saying nothing.

Master Padwe spooned a pea-sized glob of purple flower paste and dabbed it under Aubrey's tongue. She responded with a quiet murmur, like a child being made to eat a vegetable she didn't like.

"Sssshh, shhh," Master Padwe cooed, stroking her hair. "It's fine. You're fine now." He checked her pulse, nodding to himself, and exhaled, allowing his shoulders to relax. "She needs to rest. Sim, I'd like you to watch over her for the next hour, monitor her breathing and heart rate."

"Of course, Master Padwe," Sim said. "I won't leave her side."

"And Sadie? I want you in my office. Now."

She turned to face him, her eyes still stinging from crying. "Can I just have a few minutes with her?

Master Padwe's expression softened slightly. "Fine." And with that, he turned and left.

As Sadie's fear began to ebb, she was overcome with guilt. Some accidents were impossible to prevent. This wasn't one of them.

"How is she?"

The voice was vaguely familiar, spoken in a southern accent. Sadie turned around.

Aaliyah Borzoo.

Her arms were crossed, her face twisted into a scowl. Ruby, her snake, dangled from her muscled shoulders.

"Master Padwe says she'll be okay," Sadie said. "She just needs to rest."

Sadie shuddered as she remembered Aaliyah smashing her face into the table and twisting her arm.

"What happened?" Aaliyah demanded.

"It was an accident," Sadie stammered. "With essence of lotus clouds in Master Padwe's class."

"Are you telling me Aubrey—a Kaa to her bones—spilled essence of lotus clouds. On herself."

"Well not exactly," Sadie said.

Suddenly, Sadie felt the reassuring weight around her neck disappear as Dylan changed into a red leaf. He floated down, and she caught him with cupped palms.

He's angry, Sadie thought.

Ruby hissed at Dylan.

"What's your beastly saying?"

"Nothing!" Sadie said. Her heart was pounding, sweat beading at the back of her neck.

"He's saying it was her," said Sim.

He'd been so quiet she'd forgotten he was here at all.

"Sadie spilled it," Sim said. "Because she was careless."

"I'm sorry," Sadie said desperately. "I didn't mean—"

"Stop," Aaliyah commanded, raising her hand to silence Sadie. "I don't want to hear your excuses. I want you to listen. And listen carefully."

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