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I sat on the bed while the nurse took my temperature, "Well sweetie you don't have a temperature, You're free to go but if your head starts hurting again you let me know" I nodded, And walked back to class. "Well?" "She said I don't have a temperature" I replied, Taking my seat. The teacher continued the lesson. Painless? Sure. But pain makes us stronger.  Ms. Shannon stated and her eyes fell on me. I was thinking about that word "Painless" Well I definitely wasn't painless.

°Carter POV°
What was Delaney thinking about? Why hadn't she said anything when Ms. Shannon looked at her. Wait why do I care?! But in the back of my mind I couldn't help but wonder if Delaney had a connection with the word.

A/N: Short POV for Carter, I'll admit it was interesting but what do you guys think? :)

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