I'm Not That Bad

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°Delaney POV°
Carter and I were sitting across from each other on the couch and he was staring at me, "What?" I asked "Nothing" "Do you wanna do something?" I asked, Trying to ease the tension. He turned on his Xbox and motioned for me to sit next to him, Which I did cautiously.

°Carter POV°
I motioned for Delaney to sit next to me, Which she did cautiously but still.
I smiled at her and we played a game of Fortnite. During one of the games I turned to her and kissed her. At first she stayed still like she was scared but soon she relaxed and followed my movements. She sighed and pulled away "What's wrong?" I asked her "Im not that bad am I?" She shook her head "No you're not I just-" I pulled her in and started kissing her again, She didn't protest.

°Delaney POV°
Omg omg omg CARTER DAVIS is KISSING ME oh wow, I mean if you told me a couple days ago that I would kiss Carter Davis i wouldn't believe you but now yeah I would. All these thoughts were swarming around in my brain as Carter kissed me, Then he pulled away. "Delaney I love you" He whispered, "I love you too" I whispered back. So much for babysitting

A/N: Okay guys look I know it's supposed to be a babysitting love story but I needed somewhere to end and this seemed perfect so don't hate me please :)

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