Since When?

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°Delaney POV°
I woke up and walked downstairs "Hi honey" I smiled "Hi mom" I grabbed pancakes and some bacon, Mmmm this is delicious. "Honey?" My mom looked at me, "Yes mom?" She sighed like she was looking for the right words. "I would like you to meet someone I have been dating" Then out of nowhere a man stepped into the kitchen and kissed mom, I couldn't help it I started crying as soon as I walked off. Since when did she start dating again?! My mom knocked on my door, "Go away" I screamed through sniffles. My mom and her boyfriend walked through the door and sat next to me. "I said go away" But I couldn't help but lean into my mom's open arms. Her boyfriend gently held my hand, "I'm James" He said gently "I'm Delaney, And sorry I stormed off earlier it's just kinda weird to meet someone like this" He laughed "No it's fine I understand but I want you to know I love your mom so much" I smiled. All order restored.

°Carter POV°
Ugh school, Yeah. No. I sighed, A text from Noah
N: Hey dude
C: Hey
N: I'm outside
C: Okay give me a minute
N: Alright ima chill 👀✨
C: 😂
I walked outside to find Noah in my driveway. 15 minutes later I sighed as we walked through the doors of the school.

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