Afra Tara Raymond

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Name : Afra Tara Raymond

Sanora (A race of humans that can turn into a certain animal) : Stag

Hair : Waist Length Caramel Blonde Hair 

Eyes : Crystal Blue

Ethnicity : British

Jewelry : Sapphire Necklace

Personality : Is The Heart Of Any Party, A Great Colleague And A Good Friend But A Little Vain

Colour : Blue, Red Violet

Friends : Sif, Tony

Skill : Technology

Hobby : Art

Job : British Secret Service Spy

Nickname : The Murdress- Ruthless Killer

Powers : 5ft At Shoulders When A Stag, Great Ears

Birthday : 14 April 1980

Style : Chic and Formal

Stone (Each main Sanora is linked to an Infinity Stone and gives them some powers) : Reality

Husband/Boyfriend : Thor 

Kids : Amber Daughter Of Thor

            Erica Daughter Of Thor

            Andrew Son Of Thor 

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