What the troupes do for christmas

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Spring troupe:

-Play in the snow

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-Play in the snow

-They first started building snowmen

-Sakuya couldn't really figure out how to stack them without the whole thing falling apart so Chikage tried to help him but he surprisingly couldn't figure it out.

-So the whole spring troupe ended up working on this one snowman together.

-Eventually Tsuzuru got so tired of dealing with everyone he suggested a snow ball fight.

-And when I tell you Chikage nearly killed Itaru.........HE REALLY ALMOST KILLED ITARU.

-Itaru had to limp away from The battle mumbling something like rage quit or time out I"m not really sure.

-Then Sakyo screamed at them so they went inside.

-Hot Cocoa at the end:).

Summer troupe:

-they decided to bake cookies

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-they decided to bake cookies.

-And all hell broke loose.

-See what you have to understand is Tenma + kitchen equals fire.

-they were fine up until Izumi called the troupe in for a quick little discussion.

-They didn't want the cookies to burn so Tenma decided to stay and watch them

-Which was a bad decision


-How I have no idea.

-Actually he turned the heat up because he was getting impatient

-Yuki and Tenma Argued over it for like 30 minutes.

-Then Muku started to blaming himself in true Muku fashion

-Which made them stop to somewhat Comfort Muku.......or at least as much comfort you get with these two.


Autumn troupe:

Autumn troupe:

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-Movie night.

-It may sound fun but Banri and Juza fought Half the movie.

-The first fight was choosing a movie.

-Juza wanted to watch elf but Banri wanted to watch home alone.(I'm with Banri on this one)

-In the end they watched home alone.

-Juza was disappointed but found himself really entertained by the movie until Banri started throwing popcorn at him.

-Which Triggered him but he's trying to be a good boy now so he didn't do anything about it, up until one accidentally hit Taichi.

-As soon as Juza and Sakyo Noticed all hell broke loose.

-Azami just continued watching the movie but got irritated every time Sakyo screamed but ignored it.

Omi and Taichi were trying to calm every one down.

-In short every one had a great time.

Winter troupe:

-They went to see Christmas lights

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-They went to see Christmas lights.

-There was a light show happening and they decide to go see it.

-Well Hisoka was awake for half of it then he clocked out but other than that him they saw the whole thing.

-Guy was more impressed than spellbound though. He was observing how the lights were connected to each other to make each shape.

-Tsumugi noticed how the flowers were looking in the light and was more captivated by that than anything else.

-Azuma just enjoyed the lights like a normal person.

-Tasuku would never admit it but he was just as spellbound as Azuma was by the lights.

-Homare just came up with 10 poems, so good luck on the way back to the dorms.

~I just wanted to say a quick Merry Christmas, I love you, happy holidays, and happy new year. Also apparently Kazunari's stage actor is going to be voicing him in the game from now on and I'm very excited about that so once again I'll remind you guys to please show him some love and please support him. I know there's a lot of pressure on him to give a good performance as  Kazu but please remember that he's going to try his best. Also It just fits so well for him so I know it'll be great.~

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