Not all of it...just some backstory

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Zeke was just one of them, along with Marco, Alex, Harley and Jade. Ok here's the part that I have difficulty explaining.

The people mentioned are my best friends or were? I'm not so sure anymore. I, Kiara Lim, am the soul keeper of all our memories.

And I absolutely hate them for it.

I don't understand what went wrong or how it happened. People often say that sometimes friends grow apart. But not without reason, right?

I remember the days when Marco would walk me home because he believed "Girls shouldn't go home alone." Or when Jade, Harley and I would help pick out outfits and be SO over the girls who tried too hard. I loved sneaking out at 3AM with Alex to go on bike rides for he was also my neighbour. And the day we met. How could I just let that all go?


[ 2 years ago ]

After confessing his love to me, Marco and Kiara decided on being just friends. ( evidently because I didn't feel the same way ) Marco was in some stupid gaming chat and introduced me to a friend that he had met, Karma.
Karma wasn't in our class but he was friends with Jade and Zeke who we got introduced to. After figuring out we lived in the same neighbourhood, after school we would start walking home together which then turned to hanging out outside of school, which the turned to sitting together during lunch, which lead us to being friends. Harley was always with me since my first year so obviously there was some connection there.

I know this description doesn't have a big wow factor. We seem like your average group of friends who fade out after high school. But have you ever had awesome conversations with someone? That make you wonder " Where have you been my whole life?" Ever met people that make you want to keep on living?

Friendship are weird and complicated. But i've always felt like I'm not allowed to be hurt by it because it's not as "deep" compared to a relationship. But these people they were almost like family. I didn't see it coming. I just can't believe we're all not friends anymore.

I can't believe it.

And for two years of my life I didn't want to. But it's senior year now and I think I'm over it. I don't know.

I just don't know.

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