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Jungkook slammed the door behind him in Taehyung's apartment, breathing heavily. Reporters had followed him all the way until he'd gotten into the underground parking lot, and even then, one or two had managed to get in and scare the omega before security had been called to drag them out.

All he wanted to do was collapse and cry in a puddle of self pity. He didn't know what happened, he didn't really understand.

Jungkook then remembered that Taehyung had shown him things that he could make a nest with. And right now, his omega was crying, demanding that a nest be made.

He didn't want to ignore his instincts, and he was still scared and distressed, so he found himself rushing to the guest room that he'd been sleeping in for the past few days, grabbing the blankets from the closet and throwing them onto the bed.

But it was wrong. No matter which ways he arranged the blankets, how many times he threw the pillows, how many blankets he took out and put back in, it was wrong.

By then, Jungkook was purely driving on his instincts alone, and he grabbed as much as he could hold in his arms, before he made a run for it, across the hall and into an unfamiliar room that he hadn't been in before.

But it smelled right. This was right, and his omega was keening in delight as he threw the blankets onto the neatly made bed. He arranged the pillows just so, so that they were at the head of the nest, but even among all of the pillows and blankets, it wasn't enough.

He ran over to the closet, grabbing the first things that he saw, throwing them randomly into the nest that he'd made.

And finally it was done.

It was right.

Jungkook curled into a ball in his nest, inhaling deeply at his own scent and the other--which the logical part of his brain that had been shoved as far away as possible had identified as Taehyung's--was extremely pleasing.

A whine built in his throat, and he just couldn't hold it in any longer. He was crying and letting out noises of distress, wanting more. He wanted his alpha.

There was nothing but instinct, there was no rational part of his brain left as he continued to cry.

And when the door to the apartment opened, Jungkook was crying with relief.

But he made no move to get up, merely sat there and waited. His alpha would see the nest. He would be pleased. His alpha would crawl into the nest with him. His alpha would take care of him. His alpha would make him safe.

But the scent was wrong. Why was it wrong?

He whimpered, burrowing further into his nest, curling his body into a ball and covering his nose, burying it into one of the shirts to get the smell away.

Distantly, he heard a small noise of pity, but he growled when he heard them approaching. His eyes finally found the intruder's, and they narrowed, another growl building in his throat. This was his nest, it belonged to him and his alpha. Who was this? Why were they intruding?

Why were they here?

Alpha, alpha, where is alpha? Why is he not here? Why is this...this omega here?

"Jungkook?" At the sound of his name, the omega jerked back to attention, part of his rational crashing back into place. He immediately stopped snarling at the other omega, pulling his lips back over his bared teeth.

"W-who are you?" He asked, his voice meek and cautious. Even if he'd been able to identify the other as a fellow omega, that didn't mean he was any less dangerous. He didn't know who this person was, or why they were here.

I'm Sorry (Taekook)✅Where stories live. Discover now