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When Taehyung opened the door to his apartment, the only sound that greeted him was silence. He sighed, turning, and watched as the omega that he had brought home with him slumped into the apartment, his eyes glazed over, not really seeing anything.

Taehyung felt horrible, he knew that part of the omega's hurt was his fault. 

He didn't say anything to Jungkook as he gently guided him into the living room, seating him on the couch. "Can I get you anything to drink?" he finally asked, his voice quiet, slow and careful with his words.

The omega's eyes slowly followed the voice, finally landing on Taehyung's concerned one. " drink?" he asked weakly.

"Yes. Water? Tea? Juice? I'd offer you coffee, but I don't drink it." Taehyung offered.

"D-do you have any apple juice?" He asked softly, and Taehyung was quick to nod his head, disappearing into the kitchen, to pour a cup, glad that he kept an assortment of drinks (mostly for Jimin who liked to barge into his home whenever he wanted and he had quite a taste for different kinds of juices).

He walked back into the living room, extending his hand, and Jungkook was quick to take the sweet drink. Taehyung sat beside him, but gave them a bit of distance, not wanting to aggravate the omega.

"Jungkook...are you alright?" He finally asked, not knowing what else to say.

"My mother just sold me like a cow."  Jungkook whispered. "And you're asking me if I'm okay?"

Taehyung inhaled slowly, closing his eyes as he clenched his jaw. "Jungkook, I'm so so sorry. My intention was not...I didn't buy you, Jungkook. You don't have to stay here, and you certainly don't have to do anything but what you want to do. I just...there was no other way to show you."

"Show me what?" The omega snapped, his head turning as he glared at Taehyung, and the alpha now felt the extent of his anger, his pain. And he knew that he deserved it. He gulped, looking down at his lap as the omega stared him down.

"Show you that your mother was abusing you, Jungkook. I...I couldn't stand to watch that. And I knew that you would just take it because you care and love for your family. But...but you would have died, Jungkook, if you had kept going on like that. You're exhausted, I can see it. You've lost weight, when was the last time you ate? Sat down and relaxed? Gotten the proper amount of rest?"

Jungkook clenched his hands around the glass.

"You had no right to step into my family matters. What I did was my choice, how dare you take that away from me? My mother may have sold me, but you were the one to make the purchase." He spit out. "I did it because my father would die without his treatment, his medications. I don't care what you couldn't stand to watch. You know what I can't stand to watch? My father slowly dying in front of me, when I know that there's something that I can do about it!"

"Jungkook-ah, please--"

"No! I don't care what kind of righteous morals you think you have." The omega deflated then, and it seemed like all of the fight had suddenly left him. "I'd like to be alone right now. Is there somewhere that I can rest?" His voice was weaker, and he looked so vulnerable that it broke Taehyung's heart all over again.

"Of course." He agreed, getting up and leading Jungkook down the hall, and opened a door that led into a guest room. The door was always closed, so there was no scent there. The bed and the dresser were the only furniture in the room. The closet was closed, and Taehyung walked over to it, showing the abundance of blankets that were there.

"My best friend is an omega. He keeps some of his nesting supplies here if you want to build a nest...not that you have to, I just want you to know that it's here as an option. All of the blankets and everything else has been washed so that there's no scent attached to it."

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